Title: My Heart Draws A Dream!
EarnestInBerlinTheme: 005. Anger
Rating: PG
Pairing: MiyavixBou (main)
Band[s]: Solo Miyavi, Antic Cafe
Disclaimer: Oh wait…what no? Damn, and I blew my allowance on rights for those rockers. You sure they’re not my property? Fine. Fine. Fine. Damn the law.
Comments:: This one had to take a while too. Sorry for the wait! It’s my first time trying to actually finish a chaptered story. I hope you guys be patient with me~<333
Summary: Bou is your not so average cross dressing student who has been going to Holy Garden University for the last two (and a half!) years. All he wants (and needs) is a quiet life and to finally graduate from the horrid school he’s been forced to attend.
Not going to happen to this cross dresser.
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