Feb 27, 2010 16:55
Variant Environmental Effects In Mass Emotional Tendency.
Capitalist Vs. Socialist Influenced Policy Effects On Mass Emotional Potentials.
We In the United States live in a society with an over arching political, economic, and ultimately religious ideology that proposes individual selfishness to be the prime motivator of human endeavor. True this tendency is long standing and globally wide spread but in America is super developed and correlative to a degree of sociopathic greed and ultra capitalist imbalance found in almost no other advanced industrial nation. This rat race, this ruthless scrabble for power over; at the bottom a scrabble for survival, has significantly negative effects on emotional vectors. A useful contrast is shown by comparison of factors in the American equation as contradistinct to those of other similar industrial societies.
The Workplace.
In the workplace the difference between the two types to emotion is that in the foreign the socialist parties create the legislation, both in insuring living wages, decent hours, safe working conditions and in unemployment compensations that actually, unlike here, provide citizens with food, medical, housing, and educational services even in economic slumps. In these places in the handling emotions there's a backdrop to every citizen's life in which he or she knows that needs of hunger, home and medicine will not be ignored no matter what difficulty in income making they may face. It's not that emotions are removed, only that emotions provoked by citizens facing grinding belly robbing poverty are eliminated due to humane social obligation conducted on the scale of and logically by the State; after all, it's not a for profit, but a for people activity. The for profit market has always shown and continues to that it can not serve the common needs of humanity. In such countries a person may still fall from good income and home to low pay and public housing; the difference is that in the American environment every survival relevant negative stress and emotional potential are far higher. The loss of a job can easily result in a downward slide to homelessness.
In addition, in America's workplaces if we're at sub living wage income and ill treated at work, if we have to go in to work sick or lose our jobs (very common), so on, an attempt by us to address these issues is likely to end in unemployment due to "hire at will" capitalist government policy on low income labor. With no income we can become hungry, homeless, be hauled to debtor's court, so on. Without the social support insured by socialist party welfare legislation in other advanced nations job relations in America take on a far higher life and death, negative potential emotional importance. Ever hear of the disgruntled recently fired worker going in and shooting his boss? Or similarly flying into an I.R.S. building? Crazy. But those American workers faced all the uncertainties about food, home, family health care and suddenly empty future hopes. These guys have often worked years for a company and are fired within sight of earning retirement (Because the company does that to increase it's profits). It happens all the time only most folks don't shoot their bosses, though they might go home and beat the wife. The American work environment potentializes a lot of negative emotions. Look at the way people drive to and from work. Some of them seem to want to die. Most don't seem to understand the relationship between velocity, mass, trajectory and physiological response to unintended hyper-deceleration. Or do they?
Family Life.
In human relationships, particularly in marriages, money relations (the key to survival and prosperity here) often become the real bond in burnt out "duly ordained" couplings. This is often predicated with staying together for the kids and with developing extramarital affairs in a sordid denial of human reality. Women typically have ended up deferring career to a husband to the point of economic dependence. They too, if years out of the job market, know in this society their "not making it" could land them, yes them, in a dive, in another relationship made only to find room and board, or in the street. Because they can't count for certain at least on having their basic human needs met while they catch up in the job market they stay in relationships that are unhealthy for both partners and by extension to millions of examples, to society.
With all their stresses these survival relations also add tension to the lives of young adults in relation to their parents at the ends of their educations or before. Here youth may have a hard time securing income to move away from home leading in some families to crowding and a sense of stagnation; adding to stressful, negative emotional potential. By contrast again with our advanced industrial counterparts, in for example, Scotland (That's Great Britain, our staunch ally) a young person out of school but unable to find work enough is placed on a housing subsidy from the government and afforded a flat, their own food, so on. They report what money they make and their provisions are adjusted away as they find sufficient employment. This "socialism" Britain manages to do at the same time having a sufficiently competitive global economy; and being so "well off", She can flourish a bit by participating in current glorious wars of oil acquisition. But we here are falsely told that our human needs are cost prohibitive and also plied with irrational fears of what "the government" would do with "socialized" health care that bear no relation to it's excellent performance in other advanced Western democracies. Do we think less of our Government than that of Germany, or France? If so, why are we so supportive of it? Why do we accept it's tolls on us and send our children to kill and be kill for it? We trust it to tell us who to kill, but not to be an instrument in our betterment? If so, we have a serious problem of cognitive dissonance.
The Difference Further Understood
In other advanced industrial nations governments recognize that at the same time a private economy by itself can be productive, a private economy by itself can not provide a productive life to every citizen all the time, that a portion at the larger lower end of economic reward will not find enough job opportunity to provide for their human needs entirely, and that it's bad to let citizens suffer lack of food, home, medicine because of the limits and failings of a private economy. Due to the influence of meaningful socialist parties these governments have protected the health and well being of their mass constituencies by creating the afore described policies. There they call it responsible government, here, dumbed down with a life time of right wing propaganda we spit: "Socialism!", and rant about the socialist threat to freedom and democracy, as if we knew what either were.
Socialism? In the United States government there is no real Socialist influence. There is National Socialism as the NAZI's envisioned it but not Leftist Socialism, What about the American Welfare State? Food Stamps, so on? The existing U.S. welfare state is a thin provision designed and maintained by the elite only to keep the vast underemployed in poverty just livable enough to forestall massive civil unrest or revolution. This bottom line of poverty, with all it's privations, suffering, dying ignobly, is always a sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of every working class household to keep it cowed and quiet. It also of course adds a large defensive, un-trusting, selfish and ultimately sadistically greedy tendency to the lives of all American's emotional experience. It contributes a singularly debilitating effect to our practical humanity.
The point relating to emotion, and particularly unpleasant and destructive emotion as more potential in the American social environment than in America's global advanced counterparts is that these human needs are met there and unmet here due to our government policy towards the welfare of the citizens of the country. Here a long standing cultivation by government, economic elite, and privileged religious institutions along with previous historical development has left a mass population where the privileged blame their victims and their victims blame themselves. The emotional toll is immense.