my city's dead! my city's gone!

Feb 15, 2007 23:08

first order of business-  -  -  -  so basically im going to see Andrew Bird. Twice. In the same month. i am unbelievably stoked.

second-  -  -  - Our show is up in the city! The reception was really fun. I'll put up some pictures when schmidt gets her internet back and uploads' em.

also i want to paint and draw again more. This week i painted this:

i think it would rock to illustrate a book someday....
I like this!

finally-  -  -  -
what do you guys think of this as a tat?

i know its hard to see. and gross looking. They're those cello f holes (f holes.... is that right? that sounds horrible...)  I drew them on my wrist in class today and kept looking at them and being like 'wow. those are actually  kind of cool'. AND they're discreet. i learned how to do homemade tattoos and it isnt that hard! i could do them myself!!....... that might be a horrible idea. I will consider these.

new Office tonight!!!
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