
Jan 28, 2008 21:18

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Synopsis- Gilbert grafts the structure of romantic fiction upon the inquiries of reporting in this sprawling yet methodical travelogue of soul-searching and self-discovery. Plagued with despair after a nasty divorce, the author, in her early 30s, divides a year equally among three dissimilar countries, Italy, India, and Indonesia, exploring her competing urges for earthly delights and divine transcendence.

My Thoughts- I actually expected to not like this. I really don't like memoirs because of how self indulgent they are(*cough* MILLION LITTLE PIECES shootmenow *cough*). But then I think to myself...I could have picked up that fiction book right next to the memoir and I wouldn't have to read about someone's self absorbtion so it's really my own fault so ahead I read! It was great. I really really enjoyed this book. I love Elizabeth Gilbert. She's funny, painfully smart and the unconventional route she took to find herself was amazing. She hooked me right in the beginning with her honest veiws on her marriage and having children. I find I don't have many women to relate to in the context in which she speaks of those issues but none the less...I found the book interesting and uplifting. Her take on God is right up my alley. This book was refreshing for me.
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