Title: An Un-average Girl
melodyic_rhymeRating: PG
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing/s: LingFan
Theme: 84. Kidnapped innocence.
Genre/s: fluff, a smidge of angst
Warnings: None
Words: 471
Summary: When Riza arrived in East City, something unexpected was awaiting her.
Disclaimer/Claimer: Hagaren is the property of Hiromu Arakawa. No copyright infringement is intended and I'll put it back when I'm done.
Note: A dogeza is a super-humble bow from a siting position with your head against the floor.
Lan Fan supposed that maybe her life was average on some point. Sometime before her earliest memories, before her mother brought her to the Yao house to be Prince Ling's playmate. That young, she had no idea what was standard in Xing, but as she grew she start to have a basic understanding. She noticed little things that stayed the same. Ling studied and played with her, her mother Shu had tea ready when Lan Fan woke up and when she came home, Fu always stayed with the prince, and her father was the one that came home when he could.
When she woke up one night and heard her grandfather's voice from the hall, she knew something was not right. She pulled the blanket over her head, trying to ignore her growing worry. She woke up the next morning to find Shu at the table with her head in her hands, no tea made. Slowly Lan Fan walked over to her. If Shu noticed her, she did not show it. Lan Fan softly touched her mother's arm,
"Daddy's gone, isn't he?" She asked, unable to bring herself to say 'dead'.
Her mother took a long breath before answering, "I'm afraid so, Little Orchid,"
Guards dying was not uncommon in Xing, especially in higher-ranked clans. What was uncommon was a deceased guard's daughter asking to take his place. Fu, however, was not at all perturbed by this rarity.
"It will be hard work," He said.
"Please allow me to try, grandfather," She pleaded, her head pressed to the ground in a dogeza.
The training started. Ling trained with her, learning the self-defense that was necessary to survive as an heir to the empire. It was around then that the word 'standard' could no longer fit her life. Training was different everyday, and a standard girl her age would give up, hating the bruises and cuts she received everyday, but Lan Fan knew she had to do it.
Ling also became a source of non-conformity. It was unheard of for a prince's smile to melt his guard's heart and make her grateful for her mask. It also was quite unusual for a prince to feel the same way.
"Guards and princes do not fall in love with each other, Young Master," Lan Fan Said during one of their more intimate moments.
He nuzzled against her cheek, "But friends do, and that's what we were first,"
She sighed, "You truly do not have any standards," She said, smiling softly.
"Standards are over-rated," He said.
It was crazy for a Prince to travel through the great desert on the slim chance he might find immortality, but Ling was just the boy to do it. Lan Fan thought that since her life was already crazy, she was just the girl to go with him.