Title: Unforeseen Dilemma
melodyic_rhymeRating: G
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing/s: RoyAi
Theme: 221. The razor's edge.
Genre/s: Humor
Warnings: Small spoiler for episode 64
Words: 496
Summary: When Riza arrived in East City, something unexpected was awaiting her.
Disclaimer/Claimer: Hagaren is the property of Hiromu Arakawa. No copyright infringement is intended and I'll put it back when I'm done.
After the Promised Day, all Riza wanted to do was relax on her couch eating chocolate with Black Hayate curled up next to her.
However, reality had other ideas. She had slowly but surely unpacked into her Central apartment while she lived there, and now she would have to She was headed back East, which she had to admit was more like home to her after all the time she spent there before being transferred.
She wanted to hurry, but the surgeon told her not to push herself with the injuries she had sustained. Roy agreed.
"I can't lose a dear subordinate because she wouldn't take a few days off." He had said. He went on ahead, knowing she would catch up.
Soon enough, she did. The day she arrived, she donned her uniform, going to headquarters as usual.
"Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye reporting for duty, sir!" She said, saluting. Roy's back was to her, looking out the window.
"Good," He said, "Things are getting frantic. I need you to keep up, lieutenant."
Roy turned around. Riza barely managed to keep a poker face as she noticed the mustache. Roy stroked it thoughtfully, oblivious to her distaste.
"I'll get your paperwork, sir," She said. Roy blinked,
"How'd you know I hadn't gotten it yet?"
"We've been together a long time," She said, echoing his words from the Promised Day
She left him standing there, idly stroking the horrible facial hair. Exiting the building, she quickly located the nearest general store. It was not very busy on a weekday afternoon, so she was able to purchase a razor in time for her to claim that there was a line at the paperwork desk.
She nearly ran back to headquarters, normalizing her pace as she entered and actually picked up Roy's work, the line for which was also non-existent.
When She entered Roy's office, she was not surprised to see him napping. It was actually good fortune, for now she could do away with that awful thing on his upper lip.
She approached silently, removing the razor from the plastic bag she had been carrying. Only half of the mustache was where she could reach, but she figured he would do the rest himself.
She delicately put the blade to his face and made a small and swift downward motion.
Much to her dismay, it was still there.
"Fooled you, didn't I?" Roy said suddenly. Riza flinched, but quickly regained her composure.
"That wasn't very funny, general!"
"It was less a joke, more of test." He stood up, stretching, "I was trying to look more dignified, and obviously it didn't work. I'll wash off now."
So Roy went off to the men's room, and was gone fore five minutes, and then ten, and then fifteen.
Just as Riza was considering storming the men's room guns ablaze, Roy came back into the office. The black squiggles still adoring his upper lip.
"It was a grease pen, wasn't it, sir?"