Show: Tuesday, March 28th @ The Khyber
56 S. 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19019
I LOVE YOU BUT I'VE CHOSEN DARKNESS (Secretly Canadian Records)
The Silence Kit
The Situation 7:30pm; $8; 21+
For more info or to buy tickets: Fresh off of SXSW, I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness has a new album out called "Fear Is On Our Side," on Secretly Canadian records and its a dark rock masterpiece; absolutely brilliant. If you are in the Philly area, come check them out live at The Khyber tomorrow night. My band The Silence Kit is lucky enough to be opening for them. Info is above, if you're interested. At least check out the ILYBICD link. They are seriously a great, great band...
Thanks to James for already posting about this show!