So many things have happened since the last entry. Well, okay 2 but still.
1.) Right after I got off here & ate, dad came in. He bought me George's book I, Me, Mine! Yay! Very Spanish Inquisition unexpected. lol.
I haven't really got to read it yet, but it looks exceptionally good [and I don't just mean the cover. Although...haha. jk]
OMG, the song just came on while I was typing this! It's a sign! haha. George is watching me! [Not that I would mind that. lol]
Actually dad called me earlier and said he was at the bookstore and started reading off the titles of books [like John, The Beatles: 365 Days, Instamatic Karma, etc.] but I told him I didn't know if I wanted those b/c I'm pretty picky about some books & I have a couple picture ones already [But Instamatic Karma might be nice...] So I figured he wouldn't get me anything. I just said that it was a nice thought and if he saw something he thought I really would like then he could get it but he didn't have to. He is awesome. <3
So then,
2.) I went to the Arts Council and spent two hours trying to fix one of those sidewalk signs. Like
this one, only it was black w/ white letters.
And I got one side done [after rearranging it 3 times] but then I ran out of C's. Of course, considering what it said, that was to be expected.
It said [minus the brackets, of course]
"Bach's Lunch" [haha. I just got that.]
"July [b/c apparently 'someone might not know 7 means this month' ] 23 '08 [There weren't any commas either...] $8"
"Twangin Twio" [Which sounds ridiculous & it hardly fit on the sign]
"Calvary Episcopal" [Supposed to say church but I ran out of room]
Then it had the phone number @ the bottom. But yeah, not that fun & I scraped my knuckles all up somehow. When I ran out of C's I had to make some out of G's, teeny white labels, & a sharpie. lolz..
So anyroad, mom came back to pick me up & we were about to leave when Nancy all of a sudden gets all excited and tells us to wait a minute. She goes up to the front of the room & there's all this junk [that actually I didn't notice when I came in b/c it's always super] and she says some lady died and left her all this art stuff & did I want any of it. There's maybe 6 canvases & two pieces that have to be stretched, a whole box of what looks like acrylics [yay! Medium of choice!], six or eight books on various artists/mediums, and three different size easels. And she pretty much said I could take my pick of whatever was there. It's like Christmas or something. lol. Obviously, I can't take all of it but I could use the paints and the canvases & maybe an easel, one looked pretty new or at least in good shape. She said if there was anything I didn't want she'd give it to Mr. Perry. But I was thinking OH NOES! b/c some of the canvases had paintings on them [of really cartoony looking people...and I've just spent the last ten minutes trying to find something to compare it to & NOTHING EXISTS! If I take them I'll have to post a pic to show you what I mean] and I'm worried that if he sees them, he'll think they're awesome and make us try to copy them. NOT HAPPENING. But I can pretty much get away with stuff in there now, [if he's going to teach this year] since I think I'm the only one in Art 4 & 5. haha. I can just do my own stuff to get ready for the show. Unless he has me doing all this mediocre stuff that he thinks is like pure gold or something...
Speaking of which My dad said I need to paint & draw some stuff besides Beatles [and actually I totally agree] BUT I have NO IDEA WHAT!
So if anyone has any suggestions or pics of people that might be fun to try, [or that you think someone would buy a picture of for $25] please let me know! =D Also I'm trying to think of a good album name for "Col. Tucker's Medicinal Brew & Compound." If I come up with something, then I will surprise you with a lovely awesome thing I found. Suggestions on humorous title are also appreciated.
I have to go finish my Pride & Prejudice questions so I can get on to the next part. I want to have it done by Friday.
Catch ya later!