Do you ever have that moment where you just feel that you don't know yourself as well as you thought you did? Where you begin to question your beliefs and whether you truly believe in what you have come to stand for, both in your own mind and the eyes of others? I'm felling that way right now and it's turning into a mini-crisis for me
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I don't think it's fair to really critize yourself right now though. It's a touchy time for you right now, and odds are you're hypersensitive. So I say don't worry about it for a little while. In your heart of hearts, you have to know that even if you do get some self-satisfaction out of doing things for other people (which I think most people do) you have to know that you do it because you care about them too. Because you do, whether you admit it or not.
I told you before this week, if you had to miss the party because of your grandfather, it's alright. Your feelings are more important. I think the Salvation Army thing is your way of dealing this year. You aren't missing the whole party, or my actual birthday. It's alright. Go deal with your feelings, honour your Grandpa, and feel better by the time you get here. Do what you've gotta do, I understand at least that much.
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