It was the best of times and the worst of times, my Senior Year. I made a lot of new friends, got closer to the old ones and I don't think I lost any friends this year. 2010-11 has been relatively drama free (socially) and I think that's a sign of my Senior Class and I growing up.
I had my last day on Monday, it was strange. A lot of people skipped the end of the day and not even one person was too sad. I don't think most of us realized that it would be the last time we were all together like that. I signed a lot of yearbooks, climbed into the inflatable pool that was on the Senior Balcony even though I was wearing a skirt- we had some good times. I did my Senior Block in my drama class too, it goes on the wall in the Black Box right above the mirror. I had to climb the BFL (Big Freaking Ladder) to get up there, but it was worth it. My block is the only one with a quote on it and I came up with it myself. It says: "Great acting is not the absence of fear, but rather, the result of it." Then my name and the year.
Its so sad to think that I will never see some of these wonderful people ever again. Even the ones I don't like, I'm used to having them around to dislike. Although these past few weeks have been one giant High School Musical "We're All In This Together" moment for the Senior Class (Class Prank: Forked the football field with 2011, lawn equipment in the parking circle, graffiti all over the school windows with Senior Class pride) I don't think we fully realize that our time together is coming to an end.
As my Senior Year comes to a close, would like to thank everyone that made it possible.
My friends Michael B and Mogley.
The Pleasant to Strangers © Crew: Moonlight, Russ and Zukii.
My LJ friends
sinetimore and
goodconceited .
And of course, my lovely Ky.
All of these wonderful people, and more are the reason I made it to my 18th birthday.
Thank you guys for all your love and support as I near my Graduation. :)
Seniors 2011
"We Made It Reign!"