
Jan 18, 2011 13:54

Yes, I have those horrible things that we like to call Mid-terms. (Though, Cruel & Unusual punishment is outlawed under the Constitution- so I don't understand why they exist.) However, all my Mid-Terms are super easy.

The first one I have is:

AP English Literature & Composition

I'm not worried about that (so much). The God of English has done well to prepare us for it. See, the thing is- there are four essay questions on the Exam. FOUR. I don't like timed writings, especially when they're on an exam. So, slapping me in the face with four during Mid-term week equals one stressed Shattered.

I don't have a Second exam because I'm in Study Hall- LIKE A BOSS.


I have the Statistics Mid-term. *DUN DUN DUN*
But that's all right because its all multiple choice.


Drama. I'll be performing part Abbot & Costello's "Lion Hunting" bit as Costello....if my partner knows her lines. Lord help me.


Environmental Science.

If I don't get an A then I'm not as smart as y'all think I am. This exam is 175 Questions, multiple choice, about things like dirt. Not even complicated questions about dirt. Questions like: "What is dirt?" or "What is Aquaculture?".


This is a Study Hall period for the entire school- No one has an Exam. So, generally we all leave after the first one of the day.


AP English Language & Composition

I'm not sure about how difficult this exam is going to be, but I can take it. Right? Its English.. What could go wrong? -.-'


U.S. & VA Government

Easiest exam ever, this teacher doesn't want us to fail. I love him. <3

These are my Mid-Terms.

They were supposed to start today, but no school because we have snow/rain/sleet.
Also, I have a bit of test anxiety so... o.o

ap lit, anxiety, exams, gpa, english, academics, worry, #snow happens, #hopes dreams and other nonsense, god of english, stress, theater

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