...the fire in my soul rejects my wisdom...

Nov 12, 2006 08:45

Well NaNo is going $%&@ for me. It's day... what... 12? Already? And I've done just over 2 days' worth of writing. At least this time I have something of an excuse, I guess.

Speaking of which, work is going relatively well. My stupid-mistake-percentile shrinks a little bit each day. I'm still making them, but at least I'm starting to learn from them. Mostly they're lessons in *not* trusting to the complete accuracy/efficiency of my coworkers. Sad. And so, I've started the search for a better job. There are other reasons of course. Reasons having to do with scheduling (

crazy__sunshine, you've heard me whine about this before), and pay, and aching feet, and the fact that while I'm doing all right in retail, I don't enjoy it much.  Who'd have ever predicted that somewhere in my meek little soul, there rested Ambition?  Not a big one, granted.  I just want a better job.

And there's a good chance I'll get one.  I've already applied for one, and I've got three others to try on my list.  Meanwhile, I'll just keep plugging away at the current place.  After all, that employee discount is nothing to sneeze at.  :-)

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