Nov 18, 2008 14:28
I'm generally not much of a complainer. But I'm just...grumpy today, and so I'm going to let my hair down and complain a little bit.
I want to go home. I'm ready to go home. I'm ready to not be in Belgium. I only have a few weeks left here, but that seems interminable at times! I've had a blast going around to different places and have made some awesome memories, but I want to be near my family and friends again.
I'm not one of those Americans who thinks that the US is the best country in the world and that everybody else is wrong (actually, I don't know if any of those people actually exist...whatever...), but I'm ready to get back to what is familiar, ready to get back to a place where I can make small talk with people in line at the super market and hear English all around me and...I could go on.
I miss small town life. I'm not a lover of cities, and never will be, I'm afraid. It's been a good experience to live in a place like Brussels for a few months, but I miss nature. (on that note, I thought of Sassy from the movie Homeward Bound - the one about the talking pets who go through the Sierra Nevada - anyway, she said something to the effect of "I'm so sick of nature I could puke." The opposite is true for me - I'm ready to go and become a backpacker! I'm tired of this concrete jungle!)
I have not felt at home here, but rather like a guest who just won't leave. I have no private space. I miss my room.
It doesn't help that I feel like I'm going in circles in schoolwork right now, like I'm getting nowhere on my stupid term paper, that it is the assignment that just wont END! Bah humbug to that.
So...there was my complaining for the day. In summary, get me out of Belgium.