Aug 10, 2007 21:03
This week appears to have sped by and yet last weekend feels as if it happened a month ago. Is that not an odd realization or what?
And when is it to hot to get a bike ride in? When it is an honest 102 degrees out? Maybe. Buoyed by the fact that we had no problems riding Monday when it was 98 degrees, we decided to ride again on Wednesday when the temperature had climbed to 102 degrees. And because I am stubborn and lacking in the main ingredient which comprises common sense, I also decided to push myself the hardest I have all year. Which means, I never let K. get out of my sight. I pushed the bike and myself, managing to keep right on his back wheel the entire hot stifling mind warping 102 degree 11 mile trail ride. We did have to stop once. And you know what? It was too damn hot to take a break! And the trees were moving ... and the ground was moving too. We both agreed on those facts. And somewhere along the midway point I found that I could not walk the bike at all - my legs were that wobbly. Then along came the pounding headache. Soon followed by a noticeable feeling of nausea. There is nothing like feeling nauseas and then hitting the bumps along the trail. That in itself tends to jar your already on the edge stomach in a not so good way.
But on the plus side I now know I can do a lot more than I previously thought. And that gives me fire to fuel the need to ride faster and harder. Or else I am still suffering from the beginnings of heat stroke...
I put in today for some time off from work. With that request my boss was laughing as she told me how when I put in for time off it means I have become fed up. I feel daily as if I am being torn in different directions while trying to deal with people who are lacking the necessary tools to form a coherent idea. Maybe not fed up. Maybe just in need of some space. Ya know? Did you also know I have been working at the same place for 9 years now? Shocking I know. Of course I have changed jobs/positions 3 times since starting there. Change is good.
Another week gone and no matter how hard I try I can't seem to put the brakes on the passage of time. That's okay I guess since I have decided to put the brakes on the speeding up of other things instead. Perhaps I will miss the boat on an opportunity by slowing things down. Or perhaps I will be able to approach things differently and with that who knows - the past is not the best predictor of the future but one thing I do know. If you want something different to happen you have to do something different.
See ya in the heat.