Aug 05, 2007 21:33
Is it hot as all get were you are? I think it was more along the lines of extreme humidity than hot today.
So yeah as per usual these days, I closed the bar again last night. I pretty much have decided that I won't be stopping that anytime soon. Seems I have fun hanging out and we are always laughing and talking so yeah it is the way it is. And last night at the bar was an AIDS benefit thingy. There was a pretty good drag show going on too. Lots of people I had never seen before. They were of course giving away safe sex items like flavored condoms and dental dams. And as was demonstrated - there are many uses for an 10 X 6 inch dental dam. Wrapping a beer is one. Wrapping your head is another...
Unfortunately I had to be up at 7 am to get my butt out to the bike race today which means I was dragging ass. But hey I managed to sweat all the beer I drank last night, out of my system by 9 am. I drank a lot of water too. And I ate a few donuts. I don't even like donuts but I ate them.
The entire event today, including set up and take down, went from 8 am until 3pm. It was an awesome turn out for the race even with the extreme paper wilting as well as people wilting humidity. We had 82 racers today! And no serious injuries. Only one person looked on the verge of heat stroke - and we managed to get him lots of water to pour on himself until he was again able to breathe and talk. And there was one unfortunate taco grande of a front wheel. Which is to say a guy wrecked his bike bending the front wheel into the shape of a taco shell. But he was okay. Even with the large turnout we really had it under control all day. I like it when things go without to much of a hitch.
And as an aside, I caught two frogs for the kiddies to play with and that kept them happy all day which is another bonus.
However I need another weekend day to get me feeling like I can go back to work tomorrow. Oh I did manage to ride yesterday before it became to hot. I got about 9 miles in out on the trails. Maybe it's true. Maybe I am sandbagging it when I ride. Shhh. Just don't spread that around to much I wouldn't want everyone to know I can go faster and farther than they think. Although I think people are starting to catch on ... is my secret safe with you?
Gotta get myself ready for Monday.
Keep the rubber side down y'all.
"And mama it's only fun once. Then everybody gets bored."
Alison Pipitone