Nov 29, 2005 10:51
I don't update enough haha.
Eh, that's ok, usually all I want to do when I get home is relax, but not after doing HW first!! Things with me have been going ok. My TG was good. Lot's of good food and Turkey in DE. I took about two days off, which were not even close to what I wanted to take off (more like 4 days). School is fine, stressful as always. The next three weeks will be tough ones because of new scenes and new memorizing stuff, and new everything, so it feels. My Shakespeare scene is comin up Thursday and I am terrified, not because of the lines, but because of something I will have to wear, or lack there-of. Kinda scary, but when its all said and done, I will be proud of the fact that I stretched myself...quite far actually.
I bought my MP3 player in Deleware, tax free. It's pretty sweet, I can fit 15,000 songs, 8400 photos, record my voice (with great playback), it plays the radio, and I can also record the radio if I wanted, among many other things as well. It's pretty cool. Will I ever fit 15,000 songs or 8400 photos on it? Hm, probably not lol.
So Christmas is comin up pretty quickly, I'm excited of course. Hopefully I will not have any hw what-so-ever so that I can spend some time relaxing and with family and friends. Two weeks of doin nothing, I really haven't done that since uh...geez, maybe, MAYBE last Christmas...maybe. Then after X-mas I am back to work and school. Classes end December 16th, and we start to prepare for our full-length plays in Feb-April of next year. Then I graduate!
Alright well, I'm at work being a librarian...I have to get back to...that. See you soon.