Dramas ^_^ *Don't worry no spoilers here*

Feb 22, 2009 23:17

So what's everyone watching this season?? Personally I'm probably watching a few too many :)

Mei-chan no Shitsuji - Have seen the first two eps (just finished ^_^) and am officially in love with this show!  What a great role for Hiro, a butler who takes care of their female masters every needs! The person who came up with this script must of been laughing at how many females would tune in to watch this XD

Uta no Onii-san - Of course I first watched this for Ohno (though I  didn't watch Maou since I try to stay away from depressing storylines especially if I sense a sad ending) but now I genuinely love this show. Despite in the first couple of eps being sick to death of all the damn flashbacks! I'm glad they've limited it to only one or two per ep now :) Can't wait for ep 5 as it seems really interesting but am so upset theres only 8 episodes :(

Q.E.D - I love  mystery shows so I do like this show. Although as has been said the mysteries aren't groundbreaking and they  may seem to be solved a bit too quickly the two main characters certainly make up for it ^_^ Plus I'm still hoping for some romance between them!!  Hopefully ep 7 will be realised soon!

RESCUE - Only seen the first two eps but definately hooked (line and sinker XD) .  I actually don't have much to say on this one except I really enjoyed it. Although I do have one small complaint ............ Not enough Massu!! I mean he's meant to be second lead but he doesn't seem to get the screen time deserving of such a role but maybe I'm just  being greedy! XD

Kiina - Another mystery show so I couldn't resist!! Add in bits of the supernatural to give it an original twist and you know you have a winner :) Admittingly I didn't watch the second ep but the first and third are really interesting. In my opinion the first was the better  but I still have high hopes for ep 4.  I also really like the male asisstent in this can't wait to see how his character develops.

Voice - Watched this for Toma firstly as I didn't realise what it was about really. Of course this two is a mystery type show and it original twist is the use of forensic science to solve the crimes. Loved the first ep, almost gave up on the second cause it seemed painfully slow and thus boring,  hung in there and really enjoyed the third and fourth ^_^ Therefore I will definately watch this and all the ones above till the end!

Not to mention I've started the following dramas but have been unable to finish anyone insist any of these are worth finishing?

Korea Secret Agency, Rookies, SP (Security Police) and Hana Yori Dango 2 (don't kill me, I like it, I do, I just haven't got around to going back and watching it!)

That's all ^_^

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