1) So, Peter has prophetic dreams. He has since the beginning of the show. It was just sort of presented as a given, so it took me awhile to figure out that, duh, that was actually Peter's first power. Not flying. Dreaming. So... who did he get that from? Two options, I think... his mother or Charles.
Charles would be the obvious one, based on the dream sequence or whatever it was in the finale, and the fact that we *see* Peter having one of those dreams when he is specifically right next to Charles, but... Peter had one of those dreams (when he saw Nathan and Heidi's accident) the night of his nursing graduation party, which suggests that he didn't yet know his patient, Charles, which sort of points to Angela being the one with the dreaming power.
Also, Angela's attitude towards the future events, her certainy that it would happen that there was nothing that could be done, also suggests to me that she is the prophetic dreamer (and this is totally not my own thoughts, I've seen this suggested all over the place).
So, it's kind of up in the air, IMO. But, either way, I also wonder what the person who's power was *not* prophetic dreaming was, and if Peter will ever be able to use it.
2) I'm almost to the point where I feel like we need to completely discount some of Angela Petrelli's earlier characterization. Her kleptomania over grief, her telling Peter that he was her favorite and she couldn't lose him. It just doesn't seem to fit with what we get later, and what we get later is so much more of a real character... I feel like her characterization is one of the few things the show really obviously had to completely change in mid-stream. (In contrast to, for example, Noah's character, who, in spite of only being taken on as a bad-guy guest star still fits perfectly into his later, more rounded characterization on rewatching). By the end of the season, she is a completely cold, calculating character who seems perfectly willing to let one of her sons (her favorite son??) kill millions and be completely emotionally destroyed.
3) Bonus section! Oh, so it is canon that Dad Petrelli killed himself. Heh. I totally forgot all about that and was wondering where people kept getting it from. lol. Good thing I finally rewatched the second episode... Hmm, but was it really suicide? That is the question...