Thoughts on the election

Nov 08, 2008 07:28

My favorite news story on Thursday: The police in my city would like everyone to know that they found several sets of keys Tuesday night. If your keys fell out of your pocket while you were dancing in the streets, you can claim them in the evidence and property office.

I did not dance in the streets on Tuesday night. Going out would have meant getting my hopes up, and I really just wanted to watch the whole thing on my couch where I could be upset in private if things didn't turn out right. We wound up watching it on R & A's couch, which is basically the same thing.

I'm still feeling really proud and hopeful of all the various things it means for and about our country that we elected Obama. Our first black president, someone who talks about hope instead of fear, someone thoughtful and calm and articulate, someone who shares my basic worldview about a lot of things.

Clinton was president from the time I was eleven until I was nineteen, as I was developing my political consciousness. Having a Democrat as president won't solve all of our problems, and Obama will make decisions and compromises we don't like. But I at least trust that he will represent us well to the rest of the world, and govern with care and consideration.

I'm upset about Proposition 8 in California. I think it makes my marriage worth less that the institution is not available to everyone. However, I am hopeful for gay rights in the long term. For example, when I first started to think consciously about gay rights a little over a decade ago, I couldn't have imagined a presidential victory speech that said "gay and straight." In Colorado at that time we had just passed an amendment banning municipalities from passing laws preventing discrimination based on sexual orientation. I can see things getting better. The more that the sky continues to not fall on Massachusetts, the more that people will wonder what the big deal ever was with same-sex marriage.
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