Tada! A Post!

Feb 05, 2007 23:52

The power supply doesn't work and the new one dad got doesn't seem to either.  :(

I feel like being all create-y.  Like making a PostSecret postcard or writing a story or graffitti-ing my window. (alread started!)  Problem is, I'm useless at creative stuff.  So I HATE this feeling!  It's like, yeah, I feel like doing something awesome, but I have no way to start it off.

Missed maths this morning.  Couldn't be bothered to get up.  Went in for Accounting though and had one of THE funniest lessons ever!  Sadly my tutorial ran a little long so I had to leg it home (with new trainers on and my muchos heavy bag) to get there in time for my driving lesson.

OMG, first time I've driven in five months!  I actually slipped back into it quite well, I thought.  Was fun!  Can't wait to go out tomorrow.  Only problem is, all my lessons from now on will e just after the schools let out....woohoo!

Amy got her piercings today, FINALLY!  She got a snakebite (two bottom lip piercings - one each side)  They make her look a bit emo, but it's better than the bridge she was going to get.  I think that the labret she used to have suited her a bit better, but, as it healed up, that would have been a BITCH to redo.  They're .6's now, so she might just stop moaning on about not being able to find rings and the like.  Her mum flipped out though!

Anyway, I'm gonna try and get an "early" night.  Mum and Dad keep threatening to take time off work (due to being ill) this week.  NOOO!

Kat xXxXx

computer, driving, college, creativity

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