(no subject)

Apr 03, 2007 14:16

Name: Rushikayu13
Fandom: 33 (Yu-gi-oh)
Characters: Seto, Alistair and Siegfried.
Rating: PG.
Length: 175 words.

All three of them are watching each other.

Seto has met both of the other two duellists before. He enjoys a good argument, but this time he brought Alistair along to deflect most of Siegfried's outrage and vindictiveness away from him. Equally so, Siegfried, with his posh accent, ruthlessness towards people that he perceives as lower in status, and obsession with power, is the one person that Alistair would probably hate more than Seto himself.

Finally, Siegfried starts the inevitable argument.

"Look what the dragon dragged in. Honestly Seto, you could at least leave your hooligan friends at the door."

Alistair doesn't even blink. After years of being around Valon, arguably the most annoying person this side of Joseph Wheeler, Siegfried is out of practice by comparison.

"And you should leave androgynous economic faliures at the tradesman's entrance. Unless you're the new waitress, in which case, I liked the previous one better."

Sometimes it's like watching a wasp landing on a stinging nettle, someone's going to get stung and Seto, at this point, doesn't care.

yu-gi-oh, rushikayu13

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