Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Feb 24, 2007 10:44

Fandom 7
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
AU - Alternate Universe
296 words

author's note: this is what i anticipated happening the first time i read P+P.

"I fear for my sister's sanity."

"Lizzy!" Jane was shocked.

Elizabeth Bennet pointed accusingly out of the window to where Mary was standing with Mr Collins, the pair apparently deep in serious conversation.

"Look at her, Jane. She is allowing - no, she is encouraging the attentions of a man who is little more than an idiot!"

"Lizzy, you are unfair. My Collins, I am sure, is no idiot, although he may be..." Jane hesitated.

" stupid as they come," finished Elizabeth quickly.

"...more ponderous than most men." Jane ignored Elizabeth's interruption. "I remember that Mary was taken by Mr Collins's use of language in the first letter our father read us."

"That was bad enough," agreed Elizabeth bitterly. "But she has met him now, and..."

She turned away, unable to articulate her disgust.

"Mary has always had a more serious turn of mind," Jane reminded her.

"I know she always attempts to seem more intelligent and better read than her sisters," Elizabeth retorted. "But surely even Mary can find better companions than Mr Collins?"

"Perhaps she admires him."

Elizabeth sighed and put her head in her hands. For what Jane didn't realise was that in Elizabeth's opinion, a true admiration of My Collins would be worse. She could understand that Mr Collins, baulked of marrying the two eldest girls by a prior relationship and a refusal, might turn his attention to the third - but that any sister of hers might accept the proposal...!

Fortunately, perhaps, Mrs Bennet's voluable congratulations drowned the sound of Elizabeth's all too audible groan when the engagement was announced. That she would soon lose the company not only of an irritating ex-suitor but also of a sister loved only through duty was a blessing that only occured to her later.

jane austen, iamisaac

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