Fandoms 8 & 9...

Mar 16, 2007 20:06

Name: Rushikayu13
Fandom: 8 (Lord of the Flies)
Characters: Roger.
Rating: PG
Length: 129 words.

He doesn't regret it.

Jack said that he regretted Simon's death, and that he had nothing to do with Piggy's. Roger let him say that. It's guilt that he lacks, not loyalty. He's not going to lie. He helped kill Simon, and then he killed Piggy himself. Because no-one else would. Because he was sick of the fat boy's whining.

Because he could.

That's all it comes down to in the end. He could do something that they couldn't, and now he's going to pay for his action. He's going to die for it now.

Two snaps and it's over.

The few people in attendance, particularly the ones that knew why he was executed, shake their heads in disbelief. It was too quick.

His childhood.

His death.

Too quick...

Name: Rushikayu13
Fandom: 9 (Battle Royale II)
Characters/Pairing: Kenji Maezono/Shintaro Makimura.
Rating: PG
Length: 129 words.
Extra Notes: ...AU, after the bombs at the start of the movie, but before the game itself. Also, there is no proof that Kenji was one of Shintaro's group before his father died, but equally so, there is no proof that he wasn't.


Shintaro looks at him oddly, as if he's never really seen him before.

"Don't what, Kenji?"

He shakes his head, for once un-gelled spikes falling into his eyes. He's glad that they do, it means Shintaro can't see them. He sees too fucking much. Back before...Christmas -it's only a couple of weeks ago, but it feels like a lifetime- he'd make a joke about how only girls were allowed to be that sensitive and Shintaro would then make a joke about Kenji's sexual preferences.

As if Shintaro didn't know about his sexual preferences.

But that was over now.

"Don't try to convince me to stay because I don't want to."

How he manages to say that without his voice giving away anything, he'll never know.

All he knows is that it works. He can see the result on Shintaro's face.

He's not sorry for leaving. He needs to leave, this isn't the place for him anymore. Besides, if he gets caught in the middle of their war, it would be too dangerous to maintain his friendship with Shintaro.

But he is sorry for breaking his heart.

battle royale ii, rushikayu13, lord of the flies

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