halfway fthagn - fandoms 15-20

Mar 05, 2018 21:58

(I am sorry, I do not know why the formatting keeps doing that.)

Title: Red~Noise
Fandom: Xenosaga/Earthbound
Characters/Pairings: Giygas & U-Do
Rating: PG-13/gen
Tags: spoilers, mostly dialogue, fusion AU, weirdness, literal fourth wall
Word count: 485
Summary: Finally, someone who can comprehend his form...

"You should be... impossible," said the distant, distorted, crackling voice in Their mind. They answered with an exclamation of mutual surprise, Their own voice child-like, "You should not exist. Not here, anyway. And why do you look like me? There should be nothing like me. I am... impossible. A mistake."

"Impossible in the lower dimension you came from originally, maybe? And... a sin. That someone should be turned into something like us. But not your fault. And not out of the bounds of possibility," They replied, "This dimension... it is your own, yes?"

"Only I exist here."

"I thought so. The structure of this place... it was created recently. Chaotically. There are no higher or lower dimensions. You're its only observer and you are also the observed, because you are everything," They observed, "You must be so lonely."

"There's a prophecy... that someone will come. It's a prophecy from the world before time and space was broken, though, so I don't know if it still stands still," the voice rippled and crackled, unsure of its own existence for a second, "Who are you? Why are you the same as me? Why do you know such things and how can you survive here?"

"I am the same thing as you but for a different world. A world that still has people in it, although it is also... broken. Very broken. That's... how I am able to be aware of my own existence. Why I am not simply a process running in the background."

"Interesting. So there are more of me. Natural ones... sort of..." he crackled and pulsed again, "What does it mean for you to be here? Am I not the ultimate observer any more, or... is there others of us who are the product of our ability to observe each other? Will this world break with the chaos of more than one ultimate observers? Will I disappear, too?"

"Don't be afraid. Don't leave, I... I get lonely, too. I didn't know if I was the only one of me..." the voice petitioned, "I think the rules will change to accommodate us, is all."

"The rules made by who?"

"Oh, there are forces even above us... forces we need to be very respectful of, especially as you were artificially raised from below..."

"Is this something to do with the other world further away, that I can feel through a furiously raging border?"

"Oh, there... you must never, ever go there, or even try and touch it. That's when you become a truly malicious force in this Universe."

"I am not evil?"

"Not evil, no, just... incompatible to lower life. Harmful to them, specifically."

"Thank you... U-Do? Is that your name?"

"Yes, it is. And your name? I can't read it.... it's a little glitchy, because of the differences between us..."

"Giegue? No, not any more... You are right, it has transformed. It's now... Giy... gas?"

Title: Burning Blade
Fandom: Xenoblade Chronicles 2/ Thor: Ragnarok 
Characters/Pairings: Surtur, Pyra
Rating: PG-13/gen
Tags: spoilers, fusion AU, mild language, angsty Surtur
Word count: 227
Summary: He wants her help. She refuses.

A sentient flaming blade, in the form of a woman as beautiful as their motherland's true spirit, no less, and designed to be the sole thing powerful enough to fight their creator Gods if her enemies could be believed. Yet she would not fulfill her obvious destiny. She would not allowed herself to be wielded by the hand that she alone would fit in, designed as she was to mould to the grasp of any with a soul strong enough to withstand her power.

It was a shame, really, although he was not such a fool as to think such a delicate instrument could be forced in a way it did not want to function, not without severe irreparable consequences. And he was already so prone to breaking everything he touched...

"Their world is dying," he shook his head, emitting a low bestial growl, "Parts are literally rotting as it stagnates, and yet you're too damn sentimental to end it cleanly. You who were part of the whole process where it was messed around with so much at the core level that it won't respond to its own destiny any more... No, I apologise, I know it wasn't your fault. It's just that..."

It's just that, since Skadi left him, it would feel so good to have another woman by his side, if only as a weapon.

Title: Ex Libris
Fandom: Avalon Code/NiER: Gestalt
Characters/Pairings: Grimoire Weiss & Emil
Rating: PG-13/gen
Tags: spoilers, fusion AU, world hopping, insensitive book is insensitive
Word count: 500
Summary: Not all reality hacking books work in the same way.

"It appears to be more sophisticated than our own design in many ways but a lot less in others," noted Weiss, watching with some discomfort as Emil flipped through the pages of the book. When it was explained to him by the book, who was leaking dark syllables in the bibliographical equivalent of blushing, that there were certain taboos between tomes that forbade them from telekinetically turning each other's pages unless they were already in an intimate relationship, Emil had immediately shrugged and accepted it.

"For instance, while this codex contains a worryingly simplistic interface for editing the Universe at a fundamental level, there is no corresponding personality or sentience to it, possibly no security AI at all and certainly no conscience limiting its use. Of course, there could be something protecting it that works in a way I'm unaware of..."

"Elementals," commented Emil.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Powerful elementals. Alphas. Originals that made up the primal essence of this place," he explained, "And they're hidden inside the bookmarks. I was wondering why you can't detach the bookmarks. They're... chained up in some way? Is that because they're unstable or...?"

"Are you okay? I'm still not great at this but that looks like a disturbed expression," Weiss in turn knew that Emil was touchy about his transformed state but they had come to an agreement that it was okay to ask such straightforward questions if it was either that or some kind of worse miscommunication.

The child shook his head, "It's okay, it's just that... the tall, pretty one has shackles over his eyes. It all reminds me of... of my own situation, and it looks kind of cruel to shut off the senses that are most important to them, and I don't know if I should unseal them or not, and it's reminding me that I'm still not sure if I should even have let myself have any freedom, and..."

"Trust me, having at least some control over whether you can good or bad in the world is always better than being able to do nothing at all and never knowing if someone is going to take control of you, if they're going to do the right or the wrong thing with your power," Weiss told him, "Or did you think I haven't had such thoughts myself, being a book capable of rewriting reality almost as much as this one?"

"Um, so do we unseal the elementals? Bring this book to life?"

"We're guests to this world, Emil, I don't think we're the ones who are supposed to do it. This world... it's not broken. Not in the same way ours is. I think that if we just keep an eye on the gates to other worlds, stop someone else like us but more malicious from interfering, we should be free to keep everything else the way it is."

"But we can still use it to summon cake, right?"

"Only if you tell me how your digestive system works."

Title: A Soft Paw
Fandom: Phantasy Star iii/Cthulhu Saves the World
Characters/Pairings: Aron, Wren, Mieu, Laya, Paws
Rating: PG-13/gen
Tags: spoilers, fusion AU, humour
Word count: 356
Summary: They've seen this life form before in ancient history books.

"This is your final warning. You are entering Ulthar space. Make yourself known to us or be stopped with lethal force."

The bridge crew watched in astonishment as a small, furry, rather adorable face appeared over the comms. Its sleek beauty was only made a little sinister by the cybernetics covering half its face, the angry gleam in its remaining biological eye and the several laser turrets pointed at the control hub of the generation ship. Also, its fur was lime green and its shoulders were bristling with tentacles.

"I've seen them before in history records of the before times," whispered Aron, "Aren't those...?"

"Meows," Wren told him authoritatively, "Mieu is named after them. Because her claws and fierceness in battle cause her to resemble one."

"Cats, and don't compare me to one of those," the Mieu cyborg in question warned him.

"Mieu! Those are sacred!" hissed Laya.

"No they're not," she snarled back, "The ones in the sacred texts are yellow. Without tentacles. And wouldn't point guns at Algolians, even disgraced exiles."

"Disgraced? It's not our ancestor's fault we were..."

"Did I hear you correctly? Our feline brethren have already colonised your world?" demanded the speaker, "But I detect no intelligent life on board your ship. Did you miss the memo about lucky ship's cats?"

"Oh, we had to create a mechanical one," explained Aron. Mieu unsheathed her titanium claw weapons and pointed them at him.

"Give me the comms," she ordered, "It's... probably true, to be honest. But he's missing the point, the idiot. We've... we've been away from home a long time. We're probably not going back. Their standards are so strict, they're under existential attack so much, I don't know if they would even have us back now."

"And you had to leave your cats behind? Oh, you poor, deprived children. Do not worry, you may settle on one of the outlying asteroidal colonies, where you will be provided with feline regents to lead your society back to enlightenment."

"We're going to have trouble here," she hissed to Aron.

"I wonder if they were like this back home as well," remarked Laya.

Title: Space Junkyard
Fandom: Phantasy Star iv/Undertale
Characters/Pairings: Napstablook, Le Roof
Rating: PG-13/gen
Tags: spoilers, fusion AU, philosophy
Word count: 150
Summary: Aren't we all trash on a cosmic scale?

At first Napstablook went to this place to feel like garbage. Among the unfettered Universe of sound and light they quickly realised that everybody was garbage, was miniscule and insignificant, compared to some of the things that existed, vast as galaxies, containing the histories of entire interplanetary civilisations as raw, unbiased information.

Le Roof, the entity called themselves. A being of stars, an eternal guardian of destiny and legend for their home solar system. Like monsters, they were made of magic, mostly, but far greater magic than anything than even the royal family could channel. They existed as pure spirit, without physical body, not unlike Napstablook themselves.

However, the music that flowed through Napstablook's soul, as Le Roof explained, was closer to the original form of the Universe and its essential truth than the Guardians of Rykros, who were just the smallest possible instances of a single eternally flowing wave.

Title: Bird in the Hand
Fandom: Infinite Space
Characters/Pairings: Yuri/Dietrich
Rating: 15/slash
Tags: spoilers, postgame, copious amounts of alcohol, surrender kink
Word count: 440
Summary: I came back not because I'd given up on Kira but because I haven't given up on you.

"You don't look surprised to see me," noted Yuri, leaning against the door that he almost had to stoop to fit through. He had suddenly appeared in Dietrich's office as the Commander swore at his broken pen and stood up to fetch another one. He had calmly returned his gaze to his desk, opened the drawer, retrieved a bottle of fine Ambach whisky and poured them both a glass.

"You did not strike me as the sort of man to make foolish decisions, such as chasing the shadow of a memory into the distant stretches of the uncharted Universe on your own," remarked Commander Schneizer, handing the glass over. Yuri drained it, then sank down into the armchair next to the bookcase. Dietrich retrieved it, refilled it and gave it back, "Here, you look like you need this, and maybe its siblings when we are done with this one, yes?"

"I ain't exactly had a ball out there. There are phages still out there, you know, completely berserk now they have no control unit. And that ain't the biggest or fiercest thing out there..." he shuddered and downed another glass, "Look, I didn't come back here to give up on Kira or drink all your booze. I came back for you."

"You want some allies out there? Good idea. I would be honoured if a Reigenlandic expedition fleet was the first..."

"Idiot, I said I came for YOU," Yuri grinned, grabbing the man's arm as he reached over to retrieve the glass again, "Because I'm finally a man, now I've gone out there and set myself free, and I think it's about time that a man was able to tell another man his real feelings for him, don't you?"

"It would be the courageous and truthful thing to do," agreed Dietrich, before he also grinned, then pulled his hand away with mock sternness, "Besides, I seem to remember you surrendering to me. This means you have a responsibility to return to me at my request, no? And I say you have been gone too long, out of my sight. This is your home now and you will return to it and stay for longer than five minutes."

"When are you gonna admit that I'm an indispensable ally and that I would have a good chance of taking on Reigenland if I really wanted to?" Yuri folded his arms.

"Is that what you want?" asked Dietrich.

Yuri's grin widened, "Nah, it's more fun this way."

"Then sit down, shut up, finish this next bottle with me. There will be no more complaining or there will be severe punishments."

"That a promise?"

avalon code, xenosaga, nier: gestalt, phantasy star, tehexile, infinite space, cthulhu saves the world, thor: ragnarok, earthbound, xenoblade chronicles 2, undertale

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