Fandom Five

Apr 01, 2017 10:24

Title: Out of Focus
Fandom: Supergirl
Rating: G
Summary: Win reflects on the events of Season 1 Episode 16: Falling.

She ignored me.

I guess that should be good, right? I mean, nobody wants their mind-altered-to-be-evil best friend to rip into them. I saw James’s face. I saw Ms Grant’s face after. Everything she must have said to Alex ... yeah, I bet evil!Kara knew exactly how to hurt everybody. Man, the stuff she could have said to me ...

But she didn’t say it to me.

She didn’t say anything to me at all.

I mean, we interacted. I stood with her while she was in that state, we talked but not about anything much. She invited me to go dancing. That’s ... gotta be good right?

But she didn’t say anything to me. Nothing important. She ignored me. Pretty much completely. And I should be glad. I mean, nobody wants to get torn apart, right?

Only ... I think that maybe ... maybe she didn’t say anything to me because she didn’t have anything to say to me. That she didn’t say anything to me because she wasn’t interested in me at all.

I should be glad that she didn’t hurt me. God knows there’s a lot that she could have said that would have hurt me.

Only somehow, being totally ignored? Being nothing?

I think that hurts more.

lycoris, supergirl

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