Title: Rendering
Fandom: Bones
Rating: G
Word Count: 171
Summary: Angela and Hodgins talk about his tattoos.
“Are you ever going to get that tattoo removed?” Angela asked, tracing her fingers over Hodgins’s shoulder.
“I’ve got kind of used to it,” Hodgins admitted.
“To my creepily rendered face staring at everybody whenever you take your shirt off?” Angela said, raising her eyebrow.
“It’s not creepily rendered,” Hodgins said defensively. “Well, okay, it’s not got the depth and beauty of your real face … ”
“Thank you,” Angela said, grinning.
“But it has a certain charm,” Hodgins finished. “I just … rather like it. It means you’re always there, you know? Even when you aren’t?”
“Well, who am I to argue with that poetic statement?” Angela asked, leaning over to kiss him again. “But … could you please get rid of the other one?”
“What if your father kills me?” Hodgins asked, trying not to look at his other shoulder.
“I’ll fight in your defence,” Angela said. “Trust me. Seeing that tattoo is not helping our sex life.”
“I’ll call to get it removed in the morning,” Hodgins promised.