Title: A Secret Hope
Fandom: Willard Price's Adventure Series
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Summary: Mrs Hunt has a secret hope for her son.
Mrs Hunt had a secret hope when it came to her second son.
It wasn’t that she wasn’t happy her husband had such an amazing job. It wasn’t that she wasn’t happy that Hal clearly took after him. It was just that maybe, maybe her second son would be the quiet, bookish type who would spend time indoors with her and not rush off and get himself into trouble like her husband did and Hal would do.
She watched Roger carefully as he got older. He was a happy baby and then a happy toddler, following her around everywhere. She continued to nurse her hope. It wasn’t that she wanted to stunt his growth. It was just that it would be nice to have a child who wasn’t always going to be in danger. That was all.
When he was three, Roger wandered out of the house. Mrs Hunt chased him and found him on his tip-toes, peering into the cage that housed a lynx.
“Can he be my friend?” Roger asked hopefully, trying to squeeze his pudgy arm through the bars to pet it.
Mrs Hunt prised her son quickly away from the cage and quietly abandoned her hope.