Fandom 17

Mar 26, 2009 22:44

Title: Illusions
Fandom: Jonathan Creek/Harry Potter
Rating: U
Summary: Maddy sees an owl but Jonathan would rather get on with his dinner.

“Jonathan,” Maddy said. “Why is there an owl on your window sill?”

Jonathan nearly spat out the mouthful of wine he’d just taken.

“Owl? What owl?” he said, trying to get his composure back.

“What do you mean, what owl,” Maddy said, giving him her ‘Jonathan-why-are-you-such-a-muppet’ look. “That owl, the huge great white bird on the window sill!”

Jonathan looked at it. The owl sat there and stared expectantly at him, his copy of the Evening Prophet clutched in its talons. Jonathan wondered why it couldn’t have just waited. Or done what it usually did and dropped the sodding paper in a puddle. But no, tonight it decided to actually be punctual. Why did these things always happen to him?

“I always thought that you had an unnatural amount of owls around here,” Maddy continued. “Every time I’m here, the damn things hoot all the time. Have you been feeding them or something? Or is this some sort of trick? Is this one of those things where I make myself look a total prat and you laugh at me in that annoying smug way behind my back?”

“It’s just an owl!” Jonathan said indignantly. “Why is this such a big deal?! If you stop staring at it, it’ll probably go away.”

Maddy sighed and tucked into her dinner again.

“I don’t know, Jonathan, I really don’t,” she said. “I point out something interesting and what happens? You just try to shrug it off! That’s you all over, isn’t it, just pushing it all away and not paying attention to what we like to call the real world. An owl is actually interesting to some people you know.”

Jonathan let her run on. It was easier than saying that he’d seen weirder things in his time. That until he’d decided to become a Muggle Magician’s assistant and disappointed his parents, he’d done real magic at a magic school and therefore, most things that Maddy might find weird were totally normal to him. But magic just wasn’t that interesting to Jonathan. It never had been. Magic was just something he could do. Now illusions - they were interesting. Making people believe the impossible - that was actually worth doing. That was something exciting and fascinating and different.

Jonathan preferred his magic to real magic any day.

jonathan creek, lycoris, harry potter

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