Characters: Stitch littlebluetrog and OPEN When: Friday all afternoon, 8/20 Where: The park Rating: PG(may go up depending who joins) Summary: Stitch is killing time at the park.
Characters: Lynx and open When: Friday evening around 8:00 pm Where: The Red line Bar Rating: PG (it may go up depending) Summary: Lynx's bar opening night
Characters:Zephyr Shadiene dark_experiment, and OPEN When: May 9th, after sunset. Where: The park Rating:PG-13, may go up depending on others. Summary:Zephyr is training. In the dark. All alone. Or so he thinks.
Characters: Aster fonicdreamer , Rita Mordio stophumming , and ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO BUG THEM! <3 When: Saturday Evening Where: In the park Rating: PG/PG-13? Summary: ...Hocrap, Rita spies an Aster! o.0
Characters: Arro Caine cursed_analysis, Stitch littlebluetrog When: December 5th Where: Paradise Hospital Rating: T Summary: A genetic experiment has landed in Paradise, Arro is almost guaranteed to be right there. The question at hand is; will he be able to study it?