[[Any entry before this one doesn't count, because it's from the first round of GSRP.]]
[NAME:] Acro (Ken Dingling)
[AGE:] 28
[GENDER:] Male
[STATUS:] Single
[SEXUALITY:] Straight
Bat (Sean Dingling) - Acro's younger brother, who is currently in a coma. As the older brother Acro has always thought himself responsible for Bat's well being, and feels very guilty for the accident. Now that he is incarcerated he has no opportunities to see his brother (not that he had many opportunities to begin with) and it distresses him greatly.
As much as he hopes and prays that Bat will wake up, he also somewhat dreads it, because when it happens it means having to tell Bat the awful things he's done. But he's more or less resolved him to the fact that he should be the one to tell him, which is the strongest motivation keeping him going now.
Moe - Growing up, Moe was like an uncle to Acro and his brother, and he has always looked up to the man. Even during his toughest times Moe's jokes always made Acro smile. Acro has been too ashamed to keep in much contact with Moe since the accident, but he clings to a faint hope that Moe doesn't hate him completely.
Money - Acro's monkey and good friend. Acro's not allowed to see him any more, and he misses the little guy terribly.
Russell Berry - Russell took Acro and his brother in when they were little, and raised them like a father. Acro had nothing but love and respect for his surrogate father. Now that Russell is dead Acro is all but consumed with grief, and lives only to repay his debt to Russell and the rest of the circus in any way he can.
Regina - Acro still has mixed feelings over Regina. They grew up together in the circus, and for a long time Acro thought of himself as her older brother, and loved her as a sister. He thought it cute that his brother had a crush on her, though he never really expected it to work out, due to Regina's childish and fickle nature. All that changed after the accident which left Bat hospitalized and Acro in a wheelchair.
Though logically Acro knew Regina wasn't to blame, over the next few months she became an easy targed for his resentment. Depressed over his brother's condition, his own inability to walk and the burden he placed on the circus because of it, Acro quickly grew bitter towards Regina, who not only inadvertantly caused the accident, but escaped from it completely unscathed. The thought that she didn't even understand what really happened drove him mad, made only worse by the fact that she was the one who brought him his meals most days, thus making her one of the only people he interacted with on a regular basis.
But his hatred of Regina was fueled a great deal by his own self-loathing, as he felt guilty that, as her "brother", he never realized just how warped her being raised in the circus had made her. His resentment grew so great that in the end he couldn't stand it anymore, and he tried to kill her.
Since then, Acro feels nothing but regret for his actions. He knows there's no way he can make up having taken Regina's father from her, and he can't do much to repent when he's in prison anyway, but he is determined to do anything he can for her.
Ben - Acro isn't overly fond of Ben, but he does think of him as family, because of them being in the circus together. He feels a little sorry for him, because of the dependence Ben places on Trilo, and honestly hopes he's able to overcome that handicap someday.
Max Galactica - Acro doesn't like Max, for most of the same reasons as the rest of the circus - his arrogance and conceit. He also resented Max for a while for helping to perpetuate Regina's fairy-tale like existence. But he is one among the circus that recognizes the pride Max has for himself and his talent, and he does appreciate that Max inspires them to perform at their best.
[ENEMIES:] None really… Acro still cares a great deal for everyone in the circus, and hopes that they can come to forgive him.
[OCCUPATION:] Former acrobat for Berry Big Circus, currently imprisoned.
[HOBBIES:] Being in prison, Acro's hobbies are severely limited. But he does do his best to keep busy. He still works out as much as he can to keep his upper body in shape, and he enjoys his time on the internet. Strange as it seems, he actually feels more connected to the rest of the world now that he's in prison than he did in the circus, in some ways.
[LIKES:] Acro is an avid animal lover, especially birds, and he has always had a natural affinity with them. Because of this he likes his time out in the prison yard more than any other time of the day, though he's not allowed out often. He also likes working out, basketball, watching his diet, keeping his room tidy, and even talking to the other inmates. He especially likes monkeys.
[DISLIKES:] Acro dislikes all things superficial and self-serving, as he believes everyone should confront reality head-on (not that he is always capable of being that honest with himself). He also dislikes fried food, cats, and pepper.
[STRENGTHS:] Thanks to his days as an acrobat Acro is in great physical condition and has excellent reflexes. Though bound to a wheelchair now, he keeps up that level of fitness as well as he possibly can. Recently he's discovered he has a pretty strong talent for arm wrestling. He's also very good at appearing calm and collected, on the outside at least, and is very good with animals.
[WEAKNESSES:] Acro is not very good at expressing his true feelings most of the time, which results in them building over time. Once a thought gets in his head it sits and stews on and on until finally manifesting 100x as strong. He's aware of this weakness and working hard to dispel it, with a little success so far. He also claims he's not very good with women.
[APPEARANCE:] Acro is a muscular, broad-shouldered man with a dark complexion and black hair. He still dresses as if he's in the circus because he doesn't want to let himself forget anything, though at the same time he's not used to wearing anything else anyway. He is also restricted to a wheelchair thanks to an injury that left him paralyzed.
[PERSONALITY:] On the surface, Acro is mostly pleasant, calm, and hardworking, always looking to the bright side of every situation. His gentle nature allows for him to make friends with animals easily, though it's not as well appreciated in prison. He hates to trouble anyone, and so keeps mostly to himself, quietly enjoying the few comforts he has. Since he doesn't like to talk much about what he's thinking, he has a habit of letting little things dig under his skin and worsen over time.
Since the accident and the trial, Acro has been prone to brooding much more than usual, as he feels a great deal of guilt over his actions. Sometimes it wears him down, along with the usual distress he feels over his handicap. But he's doing his best to actually rehabilitate in prison, for his own peace of mind and for Bat's sake.
[BACKGROUND:] Acro and his brother Bat were abandoned by their parents at a young age, who skipped town to escape their debts. Acro did his best to look after his brother, and they soon came across the Berry Big Circus, where Russell himself happily took them in. They were raised from then on in the circus, and trained to become a spectacular acrobatic duo. Acro loved the circus life until one fateful day…
As part of their never-ending parade of pranks on each other, Regina put a dousing of pepper on Bat's favorite scarf. But then later that same day, Bat made a bet with Regina to try and get her to go on a date with him: if he put his head in the lion's mouth like she did during her show, she would go out with him. But during the trick the Lion got a nose-ful of pepper and sneezed, causing it to bite down on Bat's head. Horrifed, Acro leapt onto the stage to try and wrestle the lion off his brother, but in the process was badly injured by the giant cat. He and his brother were rushed to the hospital, but Bat fell into a deep coma, and the nerves in Acro's legs were damaged, paralyzing them.
In the months that followed, Acro became increasingly bitter and depressed over the accient. Though he knew how foolish it was he blamed Regina for the accident, and grew frustrated with her lack of understanding over the it. Eventually those negative feelings solidfied in a desperate need to remove her from his life forever, which he acted upon in a complicated murder sceheme. However, his attempts were thwarted not only by her father, but Regina's own cluelessness, which ironically was a large part of his motive to begin with.
Instead of killing Regina as he intended, Acro accidentally killed his own father figure, Russell Berry. When he found out, Acro felt so guilty and heartbroken that he considered taking his own life. But he couldn't bare to leave his brother, and so he did his best to hide his crimes. When that didn't work he confessed on the stand, and was convicted.
Now Acro lives as peacefully as he can manage, hoping that he'll be able to redeem himself somehow for when his brother finally awakens.