Smelling Ginger, Habaneros, and Curry

Oct 14, 2009 21:56

Let's see... Weekend of the 3rd, we finally made it to MDRF on Sunday. Unbelievable weather, it was. Short trip, we were there from 1100 to about 1600. Still, we made it. I was contemplating going in garb, and then decided I didn't want to have to do wool laundry for Henricus. So, went in 21st C. Did a bit of shopping, saw many friends, caught some music. On Monday morning, the cold I'd been dealing with switched to coughing, so I called in contagious.

At work, this month's fun-n-games (aka "morale builder") is Departmental Survivor. I found a couple of clues (challenges are scavenger hunts), but never having watched the show, I didn't get much of the hoopla. Maybe I can vote myself off the "island". [ETA] One other reason why I was a bit toasted, this past Sunday and Monday. Was helping to marshal a rally, then stuck around till about 1930 to help get the attendees back on their buses.

This past weekend, A. was at a mini-reunion of her college class, down in Williamsburg. This meant that I had to cut my participation in School of the Musketeer down to a short-ish day trip. Had to get back north after my classes, to feed and care for Hawkeye. I taught one session of period (17th C) medicine, and one of Cannon Drill 101. Both classes were very well received, and I had a blast teaching 'em.

Sunday was cooking day -- Irish Pot Roast in the crockpot. Monday, about all I was good for was grocery shopping, lugging laundry, and making Shrimp Scampi. Last night was roll-your-own for dinner, so my kitchen activities encompassed West African Ginger "Beer" (it's a flat infusion, not a beer); drying the second picking of my peppers; and doing the cutting, chopping, and spice grinding for the crock of Moghul Chicken Curry that I started this AM. Screw cooking, tomorrow. I'm going to nuke a previously-frozen dinner of Pork Panang. The pepper crop's in the jar, and I don't want to actually cook from scratch until Saturday.

Piccies (Pics link to my Pbase albums):



School of Musketeer

recipes, teaching, cooking, mdrf, henricus, reenacting

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