Quoting a favorite, What a long strange trip it's been

Jun 17, 2016 21:16

In the Society for Creative Anachronism, we're celebrating 50 years of the Society. The Kingdom of Atlantia, comprising Maryland, DC, Virginia, and the Carolinas, turne 35 years old last month.  Roughly the first half of August (and a day or two in July), will mark the 45th Pennsic War.

For me, personally, this night is bigger.  Tomorrow is the Birthday Celebration of the Barony of Stierbach. Now, it's been a Barony for 20-something years.  As a group, starting as a Shire, Stierbach is, like Atlantia, thirty-five years old this month.

Once upon a time, around 40 years ago, a group started in what was then the southern middle-of-nowhere in the East Kingdom. It was a college group, centered around UVA and called Isenfir. That was my introduction to the SCA.  In the Army, in Oklahoma, I endured an SCA-less dry spell of three years, until the Shire (now Barony) of Eldern Hills cranked up outside Ft Sill, Oklahoma.  Returning east, I was not going to suffer another dry spell. I became an actual SCA member, and started reading my newsletters as they came in.

I remembered sneaky tricks of group founders. Started a D&D game in the basement that my parents rented to me while I was back in school on the GI bill. Got them interested in my, admittedly, crude armor. Soon, I told them about this group I belonged to.

I actually brought my newbies first to Markland. Got them hooked on fighting there, because Markland swords didn't hurt that much.  Then, in February, took 'em to Ice Axe in Yarnvid. They were hooked. In April, I met this Knight, Sir Strykar. He went out of his way to be casual, and not trigger White Belt Phobia.  He introduced me to Sir Kenneqrae of Gilchrest, who lived in what we'd started calling "our" turf.  These two Knights, and their households, did us the huge service of serving as multi-godparents to the fledgling Shire.

This brings us to the meaning of this weekend's Birthday.  Thirty five years ago, the not-yet-even-incipient Shire of Stierbach held its first event.  It was at a campground in the middle of nowhere, out past Front Royal. It rained cats and dogs.  The feast hall was a couple of tarps, over a couple of picnic tables. The feast itself, was a bucket of Bambi stew, a heap of bread and cheese, and a keg of beer. Things were different in those ancient days.

This was the first of our signature melee tourneys. The King of the East, Siegfried, came down. He brought along sundry notables of the East.  His Royal Highness, Bertrand de Flammepoing, came up from Caer Mear.  Despite the rain, everybody had a freakin' blast.  Bertrand, in fact, had so much fun that he invited us to host his Coronation feast.

In September, my brother roasted beef for 200 in the ovens at the Manassas National Guard Armory.  I, meanwhile, cooked a hundred Cornish game hens over a charcoal-filled trench in my parents' back yard.  There was a tournament.  The feast was well received, and the Shire was recognized as being a going concern.

Most of the ancients are long gone -- moved on, moved out-Kingdom, gafiated, some passed away. One of Sir Kenneqrae's Squires, Viscount Sir Richard of Gilchrest, has returned to the Barony, with his household. Scattered around Atlantia, are former Stierbachers, gone on to serve other branches.

Stierbach taught me what it meant to Do the Job.  I was a pretty good Exchequer. Seneschal, meh. That's despite having been the first, third, fifth, and (for a week or two) seventh Seneschal. I was, for a brief time, a Herald. The warrant I still hold, from those days, is Marshall -- since, if I remember right, around 1985-ish. Of course, I've also been a Chirurgeon (formerly warranted, now a Master Chirurgeon in the Guild) for 17 years now.  It was this group, that taught me how to be more than just a beer-guzzling stick jock.

I've seen drama in this group. Before learning better, I've contributed to it.  I've seen the group have its ups and downs, and I've seen it saved by some extremely wonderful people.  I've seen it grow to the mighty Barony which it is now, with each set of Baronage striving to build the Barony higher than the last.

Our Fighters are some of Atlantia's mightiest. Our archers are the bane of the foes' existence.  Our cooks, crafters, artisans, and bars are the equal of any in Atlantia, or any other Kingdom. It is my honor, my joy, and my privilege to proclaim, "Ich bin ein Stierbacher!"

I love this place.

nostalgia, sca, stierbach, reminiscent, pride

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