Preserving a Facebook rant

Jun 14, 2016 07:44

WARNING: Profanity and rudeness ahead.





This may be far enough... Nah.





WARNING: Incoherent rambling and mumbling ahead.

The following is my opinion, larded heavily with wild-ass guesses. It's informed by my experiences, and first-hand knowledge of some people who are, or were, similar to this pukebucket. I'm not writing a SOC 101 paper, so don't expect stats and sources. Take with quantities of salt as appropriate.

A tl;dr summation. You've probably heard the following Native American parable:
A grandfather is talking with his grandson and he says there are two wolves inside of us which are always at war with each other.
One of them is a good wolf which represents things like kindness, bravery and love. The other is a bad wolf, which represents things like greed, hatred and fear.

The grandson stops and thinks about it for a second then he looks up at his grandfather and says, “Grandfather, which one wins?”

The grandfather quietly replies, "The one you feed".
Either he was providing, or someone was feeding him, buckets and buckets of Bad Wolf Chow(tm).

Further: Today's news updates are full of fresh tidbits that imply that the homicidal dickhead may, himself, have been gay.  This might provide fodder for lots of titillating speculation.  The picture that forms in my head is of someone who may have been raised and taught to hate something that he, himself, was.  Angry outbursts and offensive comments in conversation may have been anger bubbling to the surface.  Now, when someone is prone to that kind of stuff, it renders 'em unpopular. Funny thing, that.  Being a mean and nasty person also puts a serious crimp in your opportunities for stuff like, oh, getting laid.  The Umpqua, Oregon schmuck-head used the phrase "incel", which is beta-speak for "involuntary celibate".  Bottom line, he wasn't a terrorist, he was an evil,  homicidal, attention whore. Who fed the wrong wolf.

End tl;dr

Okay, here we go. Now that we're out of the 48-hour window of "scream any bullshit that we hear, just to get the headlines" media coverage, I've formed a general opinion about this shithead, may he rot in piss and his name be forgotten. I will never use his name in public. He is the Orlando Fucktard. He joins the Newtown Asshole, the Umpqua Lamer, the Aurora Dickhead, and all the others who deserve no word-fame.

This wasn't Islamic terrorism. This was an evil, loser-ass shitbag who just threw in a "pledge of allegiance to DAESH" during his attack, so he could get more attention. Somewhere, deep down inside, this dickhead knew he was a loser. I don't know what he was angry about. Don't know his bio. Somewhere, he learned to be an obnoxious prick. Then, he found out that people around him don't LIKE obnoxious pricks. Which made him angrier.

Making a LONG-ass war story super-short, I've had a glimpse inside the head of someone very similar to this schmuck. Knew the dude for 30 years, and he had real good camouflage. He was also a rent-a-cop, except with the Federal Protective Service. Passed his BG checks, evals, qualification tests, everything. Looking really closely at some of his behavior in retrospect, there were some clues. That most of us missed until cracks started appearing in the facade, and the gal who'd been putting up with him, bailed.

Fortunately, his Nefarious Plot(tm) failed, my friends are alive, and he gacked himself when he realized the jig was up. I've read the first batch of 42 suicide notes they found. The scary part was looking in the mirror.

I've seen some of those demons, in myself. I know the process wherein I learned to act in certain ways. I understand my own actions, which drew the bullies who made junior high school a living hell for me. Not, mind you, that understanding those fuckers means i'll ever forgive or forget. I'm NOT that much of a good guy. There's a bunch of reasons why I have not had a drink in 28 years. I have fought down most of those demons. Like another, fictional, Dexter, I channel what's left (see also: Pinkpistols). While this shit was going down in Orlando, I was out in the woods, oblivious. I was also helping some people deal with some shit that, to them, was fairly serious.

Okay, enough with the navel-gazing and soul-searching. Bottom line, I did not become Orlando Shitbucket, or my whackjob ex-friend. It does mean that I can grok (maybe even semi-accurately) some of what they had bouncing in their heads. Incidentally, I also read the screencaps of the Umpqua turdgobbler's 4Chan rant / chat, posted the night before he went out in his blaze of infamy.

What do we do? Open our eyes. If someone had noticed the bruises on his ex-wife (may the Gods grant her healing and solace), and convicted his ass of a Domestic Violence offence, he'd have (a) flunked any NICS check, (b) been fired from his rent-a-cop job, (c) forfeited his gun permit. And his right to own guns.

A mass shooting is happening. What do we do? SHOOT BACK. This guy was stopped by cops, with guns. A few years ago, the Clackamas Mall offal-bucket whacked himself, right after realizing that a permit carrier was trying to line up a shot on him. Jeanne Assam stopped the dickhead at New Life Church in Colorado.

Whole bunches of politicians have, over the last couple of days, permanently lost my vote by proposing stupid shit like banning "assault weapons". Also, this was not a mental health issue. This was an evil dickhead issue. To gun control proponents (and no I will NOT let you get away with your bullshit attempt to re-frame the argument by calling yourselves "gun safety" advocates), I say this: I refuse to be punished, penalized, or have my rights infringed, based on the action of Orlando Schmuckface, Umpqua Shitgobbler, or for that matter Snuffy McDoperson who contributes to Chicago's weekly Orlando-grade body count. Okay, gonna belie my earlier no-stats statement. There are, at a wild-ass guess, somewhere around forty million firearms that, by some anti's definition, could be called "assault weapons". ONE got misused on Sunday morning. Do I need to draw a pie chart, taking up the whole screen, so you can see one different-colored pixel? Didn't think so.

Superstition is sometimes defined as an attempt to use rituals and patterns to control the uncontrollable. Saturday night, a few drops of rain fell, as we were starting the fire conclave at Wickerman Burn. I put on my poncho, as everybody else just kept doing their thing. The rain threat abated, and I removed my poncho, smug in the knowledge that my Murphy Magic(tm) had driven away the storm. Demonizing Islam is superstition. Going all freakazoid on mental-health analysis, is superstition. Banning "assault weapons" is superstition. Stop going for fucking edge-cases, and work on main problems.


[DW Original]
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