While enroute from Cooper's Lake to motel on Saturday night, the (as
hugh_mannity would put it) Spend Money Check Engine light came on. The Periodic Maintenance Nagging Light(tm) had been flickering every time I turned on the ignition, That came on, solidly. Rather than heading back onsite for a bit, I rolled straight to Cranberry / Mars in quest of a JiffyLube. While looking for a spot to park so I could GoogleMap a JL on my phone, I found one. Pulled in, got oil changed, and code read. Catalytic converter, fading fast. Did I mention that I need an emissions inspection, and tag renewal, by end-of-month? Oops.
Back to the World, and dropped it off Wednesday evening after the rains, at the Car Fixer's. They called me, around noonish yesterday. Yep, it's the converter. They may or may not be able to salvage the fore and aft sensors on either side of the old one, saving some money. This means that I'm looking at between 2.5(K) hurtz (lucky) to 3.0 (K) hurtz (oops) on the
Ouchdammitometer(tm). Through sheer dumb luck, I made some financial arrangements pre-Pennsic, and didn't spend it all @ War...
Meanwhile, off to work. Why are 4-day weeks longer than 5-day ones?
UPDATE: They called, it's ready. Can't return the rental until tomorrow AM, so will get it then. Final Ouchdammitometer reading is 2.4 KHurtz, since they salvaged the sensors.