Googlisms of Emily

Apr 11, 2004 12:18

emily is anything but an average teenager
emily is excited to be going to china
emily is also crazy about sweden
emily is optimistic and hard working
emily is industrious and extremely dependable
emily is an eastern anmatyerre speaker and one of the senior artists of the utopian art movement
emily is a character that is normal enough so that the audience could relate to her; and yet be different in little ways that makes people love and adore her
emily is a dreamer - a romantic young girl who sees spirits dancing on windswept beaches, who gazes at the night sky and imagines worlds hidden among the stars
emily is happy doing nothing
emily is currently the recorder for the naxja and had a blast at tellico a few weeks ago
emily is better than martha stewart
emily is a beautiful woman
emily is also available
emily is described at the beginning as a “southern belle”
emily is a ghost story
emily is all cutsie and stuff
emily is a flower girl
emily is a crazy person
emily is famosos kleinanzeige
emily is a star stupid white man
emily is great and she and nik were fantastic
emily is just dazzling
emily is my favorite chick
emily is a bitch
emily is so confused
emily is max's best friend since high school
emily is grateful for what she and jeff had
emily is determined to make such an unpalatable marriage unnecessary
emily is able to access them independently
emily is very rarely seen sitting still to a whole song
emily is an 8" bunny dressed in a denim romper with a sweater
emily is an 8" bunny dressed in a sailor suit
emily is smoking a fag
emily is a kitten with purrsonality
emily is happy doing nothing
emily is "wednesday's child"
emily is my name fo shizzle

Everyone should go to and check it out if you haven't already.

Well last night was fun. I stayed up til 10 chatting with the ladies, Jasmyne, Annie, Ashley and Kelly. The buddy chat didn't work out too incredibly well with Jazz and Ana...but that's okay, we'll just do a call around thing and work it out later.

Incidentially, does anyone know how to work a three way call?

HAPPY EASTER!!! I hope that you are all having a lovely one, or at the very least, a lovely Sunday afternoon.

I get to go hang out with the relatives up north so that's kinda cool.

I'm talking to my friend's ex boyfriend (they just broke up a couple of weeks ago) and it's amusing as all get out cause he keeps mentioning her and is then all "Oh, I've got lots of girls now. I don't miss her at all, really..."


I'm feeling poetic today (not like you can tell by the word selection of this entry, but ah well), which is nice cause I haven't in a while. Maybe something good will come of it, or maybe I'll just enjoy the feeling.

I'm a star, stupid white man.

Love always,

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