(no subject)

Feb 25, 2006 18:24

x What is your first name?: Stephanie.
x What is your middle name?: Frances.
x What is your zodiac sign?: Pisces.

-L-O-O-K- -A-T- -M-E-
x What is your natural hair color?: Blonde.
x What is your current hair color?: Blondish/ Brownish.
x What color are your eyes?: Blue/green/grey...
x Piercings?: Ears and belly button.
x Tattoos?: No.
x Hair?: Do I have hair? Yeah :S?
x Straight or Curly?: Naturally curly. Always straight.
x How tall are you?: 5'5
x What is your shoe size?: 5/6

-C-U-R-R-E-N-T-L-Y- -W-E-A-R-I-N-G-
x What shirt are you wearing?: My work one. It's white.
x What kind of pants are you wearing?: Black ones.
x Socks: My uber cool lepoard print ones.
x Necklaces?: Pearls.
x Bracelets?: Stars and one that looks quite "holidayish"
x Mascara?: Yes.
x Eyeliner?: Yes.
x Any other make up?: Benetint.
x Is your hair up or down?: Up.

-T-H-I-S- -O-R- -T-H-A-T-
x Rock or Rap?: I like both. But rock.
x Coffee or Hot Cocoa?: Hot Cocoa.
x Baseball or Softball?: Neither.
x Hummer or Sports Car?: Sports car.
x Guy or Girl?: Both really...
x Bracelet or Necklace?: Bracelet.
x Pink or Purple?: Pink.
x History or Science?: History.
x Sleep in or Early to rise?: Sleep in!
x Beach or Boardwalk?: Beach. Always.
x Hoodie or Tee Shirt?: T- Shirt
x Night Or Day?: Night. Day. Both...
x Boxers or Briefs?: Briefs annnd boxers
x High School or College?: High school.
x Jeans or Capris?: Jeans.
x Love or Fun?: Fun!
x California or Florida?: Florida.
x Simple Plan or Good Charlotte?: Both are unbelievably awful.
x Babe or Baby?: Don't call me babe. I don't want a baby.

-H-A-V-E- -Y-O-U- -E-V-E-R-
x Kissed the same Sex?: Yeah.
x Kissed the opposite Sex?: Yeah.
x Hugged someone?: Erm... Yes.
x Been on the phone until the sun came up?: Yeah.
x Put a song on repeat for more than 2 hours?: Yes!
x Gone Skinny dipping?: One more than one occasion.
x Flashed anyone?: No...
x Mooned anyone?: Nah.
x Got chased by the police?: Never.
x Got detention?: No...
x Went to Juvy?: No!
x Went streaking?: Not yet.
x Crashed a party?: Never...
x Slept past 4 in the afternoon?: Yes.
x Rejected someone?: Yeah.
x Got rejected?: Actually, i don't think so...
x Skipped a class?: I havn't. How sad am i.

-T-H-E- -L-A-S-T-
x Person you talked to in person?: My brother.
x Person you talked to online?: x claire.e.e x
x Movie you saw in the theaters?: Wow... Erm... The Producers
x Thing you drank?: Tea.
x Thing you laughed at?: Stewart's chat.
x Cry?: Yesterday...

x Do you like surveys?: Kills time i suppose.
x What kind of shampoo do you use?: Sheer Blonde.
x Are you scared of what life will be like in 10 years?: Not exactly scared as such...
x Do you get along with your parents?: Sometimes.
x Are you old enough to vote?: No. I'm not old enough to do anything. I am tomorrow. :)
x Are you sad?: Quite.
x Do you have mental breakdowns?: Never.
x Did you ever tell your parents you didn't feel good so you didn't have to go to school?: Yeah, obviously.
x Do you miss someone?: Yeah...
x If yes, will you call them when you are done with this survey?:- No, I won't.
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