last night was this theme party 'dress in your hot topic best.' shit was ridic. and martine and rachel left me to get mexican food for like 2 hours and i was left to fend for myself, and i ended up talking to some azn about raves and shit talking about some broad tryin to get her fuck on with everyone. some dude with a shitty temporary snake tattoo made me this cup in which he called a 'shot' of 'chocolate cake' or some shit, FUCKING GROSS. never drink it. and aparently i was yelling in the back seat that i was a black dude in a cop car and everyone was racist. woke up still shitfaced for 5 hours, no fun. first time i've gone out in a while, ruled. came home and made my dad take me out to dinner and on the way home over the mountain we can see the fire. WORD. fire storm to purify out house, again.