322cdb Oct 11, 2013 21:27
somedaythesun, -deco: fountains, !complete - objects, --build mode, zeussims, -comfort: seating, ---store sets, -lighting, -doors/arches, -windows, !complete, -fences, !complete - clothes, -clothing, --cas, flowermisty
322cdb Sep 15, 2013 15:52
---cc, flowermisty
322cdb May 24, 2013 23:48
322cdb May 24, 2013 23:37
lovelace, ---ep: university life, veranka, trapping, marja, -clothing, --cas, doda_lani, rented-space, flowermisty, lemonlion
322cdb Mar 23, 2013 20:25
-deco: wall-hangings, -hobbies: bookcases, ladysimplayer8, --dining room, veranka, pixelated-sim, juliej, twofingerswhiskey, -comfort: seating, rented-space, --living room, -lighting, -hobbies: games, ---sp: 70s 80s 90s, the ninth wave, lovelace, adonispluto, -hair, janika31, -deco: plants/flowers, modernsetstosims2, misty_fluff, -clothing, --cas, deedee, huge lunatic, flowermisty, lemonlion, -electronics, -surfaces
322cdb Jul 30, 2012 14:45
-deco: wall-hangings, -misc: party, -deco: fountains, --build mode, -deco: curtains, hafiseazale, --outdoor, -deco: miscellaneous, -comfort: seating, -garden, zx_ta, -terrain, !incomplete, daman19942, ---store sets, -columns, immlegacy, the ninth wave, amovitamsim, chazzsims, -deco: plants/flowers, misty_fluff, !complete - clothes, -clothing, -lot, -walls/floors, --cas, flowermisty, -surfaces
322cdb May 29, 2012 18:15
-hair, trapping, zeussims, -clothing, --cas, deedee, flowermisty, rented-space, !incomplete, ---store sets
322cdb May 26, 2012 18:39
yuxi, -hair, chazzsims, !incomplete (nothing-ish) - clothes, trapping, !incomplete - hair, -clothing, --cas, deedee, flowermisty, rented-space, !incomplete, ---store sets
322cdb May 18, 2012 00:28
pinketamine, trapping, yume, ---cc, rented-space, flowermisty
322cdb May 17, 2012 23:42
martini, trapping, ---cc, flowermisty, emilia, steffano