Title: Temperance
edenbound (ficjournal)
Threesome: Seifer Almasy x Squall Leonhart x Zell Dincht
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Theme: #15 Temperance
Disclaimer: The boys and their world belong to Squeenix.
Notes: The fics I write for this community are all connected in an arc. I'll be writing them in order. As for how I interpret the themes, I've used a page about tarot card meanings to pick key words/phrases to base my fics on.
"You're spending more time with Zell than with me, now!"
It was getting to be a kind of familiar cry, unfortunately. With three of us in the relationship, it got to be kinda difficult balancing it all. And it was kind of upsetting whenever one of us felt neglected, but I have to admit that it wasn't just Seifer that got like that.
Mostly, it was Squall being the most reasonable.
He's like that.
"Seifer... it's not like I mean to. If you'd just say rather than kick off..."
"I thought you'd've noticed. Considering you spent yesterday and the day before with the chickenwuss."
I couldn't just keep out of it.
"Fuck you, Seifer, you had him all to yourself ages before I even came into things!"