Title: The Hermit
edenbound (ficjournal)
Threesome: Seifer Almasy x Squall Leonhart x Zell Dincht
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Theme: #11 The Hermit
Disclaimer: The boys and their world belong to Squeenix.
Notes: The fics I write for this community are all connected in an arc. I'll be writing them in order. As for how I interpret the themes, I've used a page about tarot card meanings to pick key words/phrases to base my fics on.
I wanted to be alone. So badly, I wanted to just walk away and think things over and retreat back into the shell I'd once built around myself. It was a mark of how well they already knew me that they knew exactly how long to leave me locked up in my head before they came for me.
I was nervous. I was nervous and confused but somehow happy as well. Zell had been with us a week and all of it was embarrassing and difficult and wonderful. I'd already grown to love his touch, the way he'd wrap his arms around me from behind and let me lean against him. I wondered then if he was the strongest of the three of us, really. He smoothed it all over somehow.
We hadn't had sex, not then, but Seifer was pushing for it. I was reluctant, not knowing if I could stand being so open and so vulnerable to both of them. Zell was considerate. And Seifer was pushy.
But he had nothing but tenderness for me when they came to find me and draw me out of my thoughts.
"Don't frown like that, babe. We'll think you aren't happy."
And just like that they were with me, Zell's arms around me from behind and Seifer in front. I leaned into Seifer and laughed, reaching up to wrap my arms around his waist. "Oh, I'm happy."