meme stolen from ynez

Jan 20, 2008 20:23

(001) Your gender: Male
(002) Sexual orientation: Bi.
(003) Single? No. It's...complicated.
(004) Do you want to be? No.
(005) Your birthday: May 10th.
(006) Age you wish you were: Before I got cancer.
(007) Your height: 6'0"
(008) The color of your eyes: Blue.
(009) The color of your hair: Blonde.
(010) Piercings: Not anymore.
(011) Tattoos: A lot.

(012) Smoke? Don't make me laugh, I might cough up too much blood. Yes I fucking smoke, what kind of a stupid question is this.
(013) Do drugs? When I get the chance.
(014) Read the newspaper? How else would I get my news.
(015) Pray? I have been known to, yes.
(016) Talk to strangers? Most people I work with are strangers. Everyone is a stranger when you first meet them.
(017) Take walks in the rain? It's London. It rains all the fucking time.
(018) Drive? Not if I can help it.
(019) Like to drive fast? Yes.
(020) Hurt yourself on purpose? All the time.

(021) Been out of the country? Yes.
(022) Been in love? Yes.
(023) Done drugs? Yes.
(024) Gone skinny dipping? Yes.
(025) Had any type of surgery? Yes.
(026) Ran away from home? Yes.
(027) Played strip poker? Yes.
(028) Gotten beaten up? Yes.
(029) Been picked on? Yes.
(030) Been on stage? Yes.
(031) Slept outdoors? Yes.
(032) Thought about suicide? Yes.
(033) Pulled an all-nighter? Yes.
(034) If yes, what is your record? I don't fucking know...I lost my fucking mind somewhere in the middle of it though.
(035) Talked on the phone all night? No.
(036) Slept with the opposite sex without having sex? Yes.
(037) Slept all day? Yes.
(039) Made out with a stranger? Yes.
(041) Had sex with a stranger? Everytime you meet someone they're a stranger and I've had my share of one night stands.
(042) Kissed the same sex? Yes.
(043) Done anything sexual with the same sex? Yes.
(044) Been betrayed? Yes.
(045) Broken the law? Yes.
(046) Met a famous person? Yes.
(047) Been on radio/TV? Unfortunately. I try to avoid the evening news when I can.
(048) Been in a mosh-pit? Yes.
(049) Had a nervous breakdown? More than I can remember and I don't care to try.
(050) Been criticized about your sexual performance? Yes. Does it bother me, not really. I've been praised enough to compensate.

(052) Shoe brand: Favorite: Something with a steel toe. Currently wearing: Nothing.
(053) What are you normally wearing to school/work? Slacks, dress shirt, tie, trenchcoat.
(054) Wear hats? Sometimes it's nice to be able to hide your eyes.
(055) Are you guilty of judging other people by their clothing? I do all the damn time.
(056) Do you wear make-up daily? Not unless I'm drunk, and even then it's not daily.
(057) Favorite place to shop: Anywhere that sells wine and cigarettes.
(058) Favorite article of clothing: My coat. Don't fuck with my coat.
(059) Are you trendy? Define trendy.

(060) Life on other planets? Yeah, we ain't the only ones smart enough to populate.
(061) Miracles? Yes.
(062) Astrology? Yes.
(063) Magic? Yes.
(064) God? Yes. He's a sore loser.
(065) Satan? Yes. He's also a sore loser.
(066) Santa? Yes.
(067) Ghosts? I'd be out of a job if I didn't. There's not much I don't believe.
(068) Luck? Oh yes.
(069) Love at first sight? Yes.
(070) Yin and Yang? Yes.
(071) Witches? Yes.
(072) Easter bunny? I like chocolate so sure.
(073) Fidelity? Depending on the relationship.
(074) A pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Seek and ye shall find.

(075) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title? Why should I?
(076) Do you remember your first love? Somewhat.
(077) Still love him/her? No.
(078) Do you consider love a mistake? No.
(079) What do you find romantic? Fishnets and a bottle of wine.
(080) Turn-on: Fishnets, good legs, when a woman isn't afraid to sing.
(081) Turn-off: Eh. I fucked a chick with a tail once...try me.
(082) Do you base your judgment on looks alone? No.
(083) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? Why would I?
(084) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? Yeah.
(085) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? I hope so. And I hope the not-opposite sex does too.
(086) What's the last present someone gave you? Heh. I can't tell.
(087) Are you in love? Yes.

(088) That you laughed at? Some fucker in my building.
(090) That turned you on? Zee.
(091) You went shopping with? I shop by myself.
(092) To disappoint you? I'm pretty good at that on my own.
(093) To ask you out? I don't remember their name.
(094) To make you cry? She was seven and her head spun around before she jumped out of her balcony window and I came home and put my fist through the bathroom door. I don't remember.
(095) To brighten up your day? Kara.
(096) That you thought about? Zee.
(097) You saw a movie with? I don't know.
(098) You talked to on the phone? I don't have a phone.
(099) You talked to through IM? Is this thing even on?
(100) You saw? The same fucker that I was laughing at on the way upstairs.
(101) You turned down? I told her mother not to touch me. She wanted to pray with me and tell me it wasn't my fault. I don't know.

(104) Smiled? This morning.
(105) Laughed? This afternoon.
(106) Cried? An hour ago.
(107) Bought something? I bought cigarettes earlier.
(108) Danced? Define 'danced'.
(109) Were sarcastic? HAH. Oh, this is funny.
(110) Hugged/kissed: Zee around Christmas.
(111) Talked to an enemy? This afternoon.
(112) Watched your favorite movie? Can't remember.
(113) Talked on the phone? Can't remember that either.
(114) Listened to the radio? It's on now.
(115) Watched TV? I don't have a TV.
(116) Went out with someone? Eh.
(117) Helped someone? It's been too long.
(118) Sang? I'll try tomorrow.
(119) Said "I love you"? We don't have to say it.
(120) Been drunk? Really drunk? Last night.

(120) Are you a virgin? No.
(122) If not, how old were you when you lost it? Fuck if I remember.
(123) What is the kinkiest thing you've ever done? That's not fit for print...
(124) What is the kinkiest thing you'd like to do? Try me. No biting.
(125) Favorite position? Against the wall. Again, I'm not picky.
(126) Describe your idea of seducing your mate as a surprise: She does the surprising.
(127) Describe how you'd like to be seduced: And she knows how to do it.
(128) Share a fantasy: I'd rather not.
(129) Would you consider having a "pet"/slave? No.
(130) Would you consider being a "pet"/slave? Yes. Do it, no.
(131) Do you remember your first kiss? I can't anymore.
(132) What is your favorite intimate thing to do? Kiss with my eyes open.
(133) Assuming you masturbate, do you use toys? I don't need toys.
(134) Ever masturbated in public? I'm sure I have.
(135) Ever had sex in public? Yes.
(136) Would you want to? Sure.
(137) Ever watched someone have sex [not a porno]? Yes.
(138) Has someone ever watched you have sex? Yes.
(139) If you could make a porn film, what would you call it? I've no idea.
(140) Ever used Food in your sexual play? Why is 'food' capitalized? Yes, I have.
(141) Ever do Role Reversal? See the question about makeup.
(142) Ever used sex to get what you want/need? Yes.
(143) Ever used sex as a weapon? Yes.
(144) Ever flashed someone? Yes.
(145) Ever been flashed? Yes.
(146) Ever call a sex number? Yes.
(147) Would you consider having a 900 number? Hah, no.
(148) Ever woke up the next morning and went WTF?! ARENT U MAI CUZIN??? We're all related if you go back far enough.
(149) Ever dated someone just for the sex? Yes.
(150) Are you glad this survey is over? Eh.
(151) Think it could have been longer? Of course it could have.
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