tm 213 -- 627 words

Jan 17, 2008 16:24

"There's enough sorrow in the world, isn't there, without trying to invent it."

Most people I deal with don't have to invent a damn thing.

Most people I deal with have real reasons to be crying or angry about something because most people I deal with are going through some sort of supernatural crisis and if I was one of them instead of being fucking used to this by now I'd probably be pretty damn upset too. Mothers cry because their little girl is clinging to the ceiling and spouting off words in Latin she can't understand. Fathers shout because their sons die in the streets for wars that only seek to kill and harm. Daughters become orphans when those mothers overdose on too much drugs and too much sex with men that'll pay too little. Sons become killers because it wasn't unheard of for those fathers to smack a woman around to get her to listen.

The world is full of hate and suffering and people go on about how it's all the Devil's work, and they're wrong because while the Devil may take sick pleasure in watching the gunshot wounds and overdoses roll in, the rapists and the murderers ripped to shreads by the demons of Hell, he had nothing to do with it. Humanity is corrupt, sick and twisted, where it's barely a headline on the news when children are thrown off a bridge, maybe a quick spot on the late night when a woman is found murdered with no leads, but when a popstar is falling into a downward spiral there are more press and photographs than a dog knows to do with a pack of bitches in heat. If you put blood in the water the thirsty will scent it out and come, and tear for more, as long as someone is watching, as long is someone is paying for the score.

Sure the devil is in the details but he's not some grand puppetmaster with a telescope to the world above. Bastard sits in his chair all day and drinks expensive cocktails and lets the whores lick the sweat from his skin while listening to the screams of those forced into Hell by their own kind.

Not all of humanity is evil. There are good people, out there. Those who honestly give a shite if their neighbor isn't seen for a day or two, those who will stop to help someone on the side of the road with a flat tire, those who'll give money or food to a bum on the streets and not wonder if he's going to make a score or not. You've no idea how many times all I wanted was a fuckin' sandwich and I got passed over for looking like I was going to hit up a dealer if you gave me anything more than the shit off the bottom of your shoes. Sure some of the homeless do have their problems but they ain't all bad, it's a stereotype by the world that anyone less is obviously beyond reach, let them fall, they're gonna OD sometime and then I won't have to walk past the bastard on the way to the store each morning.

I'm not a nice guy but I toss a couple quid when I can afford it.

There are enough things to worry about. Rapes and murders and wars in countries all over the globe, pregnant teenagers with no money to see the doctor or go to hospital, drug addicts who will do anything for a score, demons running the game behind the scenes just to see how the world reacts. That's why I do what I do. I send the fuckers back to Hell where they belong and when I'm done with them, they stay there.

We don't need anymore sorrow in the world. There's too much as it is.

John Constantine
Hellblazer (Misc Comics)
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