Ripple Effect (Kingdom Hearts, Sora/Ariel, #9)

Apr 30, 2006 01:03

Title: Ripple Effect
Author: This_Sucks345 (Veronica)
Pairing: Sora/Ariel
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Theme: #9, Dash
Warnings/Notices: This is tied to, which is called Sora and Ariel's Trip To The Surface. These can be read in any order, so enjoy!
Disclaimer: Me no owney, so you no suey.

"Oh dear..." Ariel sighed nervously, her blue eyes darting to one boy to the other. Somehow, Prince Eric had found her and Sora on their vacation. Sora was shaking with anger, his adorable face twisted into a mess of all emotions.

Eric, on the other hand, was romancing Ariel from afar, sending out tributes of love. "Ariel," He sang to her, his eyes closed in utter rapture, "I fell in love with you as soon as I heard your lovely voice! Come away with me and be my princess!" This caused Ariel's face to flame, her blush matching the color of her fiery, red hair.

"We're gonna race," Sora snarled at Eric, "For Ariel's honor! That's the only way to decide once and for all!" Ariel gasped, her jaw hanging open in surprise. "I'm not some kind of prize to be won! Sora, you should know better!" She ran off in tears, leaving the two teenagers in shock.

The brown-haired boy glared at Eric, simply stating, "This is all your fault!" After giving the prince a snide look, he dashed off, chasing Ariel.

Ariel ran, her legs burning and her chest heaving. Tears dripped down her face as she ran, while passerbys watched with curiousity and sympathy. They also observed that a young boy was running after her, his face in a desperate pout and his eyes filled with sadness.

Ariel stopped- well, it was more like tripping over her own two feet, and Sora followed after, clutching her in his arms as they both fell over the edge of the stone steps. They both fell onto the hard cement floor and Ariel began crying into Sora's shoulder. Sora sucked in air, but it was hard. The rough landing had knocked the breath out of him and it was even harder with his girlfriend laying on top of him.

"I'm sorry," He murmured breathlessly, entangling his fingers in her red hair. She sobbed even harder and nodded, kissing his shoulder.

The passerbys stared in wonderment as the couple stayed on the ground for hours, arms wrapped around each other. Then the sky turned dark and they ran off, fingers entwined.
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