Title: A Note From Beyond
Author: animegurl65
House: Ravenclaw
Date/Challenge: March 4th-the light gleams, and is gone
Character/Pairing: R.A.B
Genre/Warnings (as applicable): Just Gen! *Jazzhands*
Rating: PG
I remember, Albus, I remember that night, as the young Potter boy stumbled forth from the hedges, Portkey and dead Diggory in hand, I remember Potter's confused description and the way the light gleamed in your eyes, and then was gone.
I know your secret, for it is mine too. I know what the boy must do, and I understand, Albus, I really do.
But I doubt you will live long enough to see it, the note, to know, to make the connection. Not if you did what I did, drank what I drank.
I know what will happen, what must. You knew too, and you did what you had to. The boy must go on, must do it himself.
I doubt he'll live.
But he will join us Albus, here on the other side, he will join his parents and his godfather and you.
This will never reach you until it is too late, until you have drawn your last breath, until the potion finally rips thta shred of life from you.
Unless someone kills you first, someone eases your pain.
Perhaps that is what will happen, dear Albus.
I watch, and wait for you, my friend, my teacher.
((xposted to