wake up next to you by
Sam/Dean // PG-13
There is so much to love about this, where to start? The anatomy, I love that. It is wonderful and as someone who dabbles artistically, it's enviable. I am in love with Sam's hand in Dean's hair. It's pretty. His neck and his shoulder, too. Dean's half asleep/still asleep look. The coloring shades that make it feel like early morning. Dean's smattering of freckles and his eyelashes and the way he looks like even asleep he's responding to the kissing. ♥
16 by Sunday779
Jensen/Jared // PG (?)
This is slightly festive for the holiday. There are Christmas lights, anyway. I like this because it feels like the whole thing is a story, like if you look close you'll see more details the second and third time that you didn't at first. Jensen leaning in the doorway with that amused, lazy look on his face is probably my favorite part. That and the mess on the counter and the look on Jared's face, all anxious and just... their faces. They are expressive. She has captured that perfectly. And Jared Padalecki making flap-jacks in the nude is always awesome.
illustration for Diary of a Madman by
Sam // G
This is an illustration for a story I have not read,
Diary of a Madman by
monicawoe. The expression on his face is so great and she captured it wonderfully. I love the light and the atmosphere of the piece and the details that stand out like the frost on the glass around Sam's hand, the shine in his eyes, the little Mona Lisa smile he's got. It's a great portrait of a darker Sam.
Supernatural's Flying Circus by
maichan808 with input from
No pairing, show cast // PG (?)
I almost never rec them, but this is a fan video. It is wonderful and hilarious and amazing and very creative. It's Supernatural mixed with Monty Python and it's hysterical. Very well put together, too. It looks really great and is a lot of fun.