Various and Sundry Smaller Fandom Recs

Dec 16, 2011 04:15


Counting the Hours by kingly_queen.
Jareth/Sarah // NC-17 // Summary: Jareth wonders how many times history would repeat itself before all is said and done.

I liked the style of this a lot. The writer doesn't seem that experienced, but with practice could become very good. It is well written, though, don't misunderstand me. There were a few things that I personally didn't find appealing, such as a sex scene that seemed mostly unnecessary, but that is one of those things that can be a matter of opinion. I loved the characterization of Jareth in this. He was both wicked and dark and still not. Very anti-hero, which I loved. She wrote both characters well and made them interesting, my only complaint is the sex scene, which felt irrelevant to me and kind uncomfortable within the story itself. Still, a good read and well worth the time. Besides, you could always disagree with me.

Breaking Bad
Killing Time (Just Don't Leave) by readishmael.
Walter/Jesse // NC-17 // Summary: After 3x13, Walt and Jesse find themselves in limbo, and Jesse's emotional instability and neediness combine with Walt's competing desires to protect and exploit him to spark a change in their relationship.

I really, really loved this. I only recently watched the show and I watched it all at once in about a week, just gobbled it all up like candy-coated crack nuggets. There is a sad lack of fic or fandom activity at all for this show, too. But I read this and it was awesome. I loved the character voices, the writer's dialog was so them to me and I maybe have a real thing for Jesse calling Walter "Mr. White," it's just cute and hot. Yes, this was hot. I read this, sex scenes included, and loved every bit of it. The ending kind of just ends, but it's still thought-provoking in a way, at least to me. Might just be because I dwell on things like that, but still. Awesome. I will say I disagree with the author's claim that the relationship is D/s. There's an imbalance of power going on in some ways, but those aspects of the story fall in line with the characters in the show too, the way that Walter is a control freak and Jesse seeks his approval. Yes. Very much yes, but that doesn't make it D/s, not to me. Maybe if you are looking for it or want to see it that way, I suppose it could be. Anyway, wonderful story, I loved it and highly recommend it.

Sixty Years in a Water Tower by Meltha.
No pairing, cast // G // Summary: Wakko, Yakko, and Dot: the missing years.

Yes, I am really recc'ing cartoon fan fiction. No, it's not cartoon porn. Thank God because that's disgusting. I'm open to a lot of fandoms and I like to think I'm fairly open-minded, but no. I will never rec anything like that on here. But anyway, regarding the story, it cracked me up, plain and simple. It's cute and funny and the writer follows right along with the tone of humor I remember from when Animaniacs was on TV. The character voices are so great that I can actually hear them saying these things. Slappy the Squirrel, my God do I love her.


Dangerous Proximity by selfoblivion
Sylar and Elle or could be Sylar/Elle I suppose // G

I guess Heroes was a pretty big fandom back in the day, but I missed it as I was otherwise occupied and not always in possession of a television back then. But I'm catching up on it with my handy Netflix account and I always liked Sylar. This is one of my favorite scenes from the show, too. It's beautifully illustrated here and the colors are so great. The light actually seems to glow. The detail is stunning and I love it so much, it's my new desktop because it's relevant to my current interests. Sylar without a shirt and that mrow look on his face if you were wondering what that might be.

Tron Legacy
many drawings by basalt.
Tron/Alan // G

I really just like the art and the comic book/graphic novel style of the artist. A couple of the drawings are cute, too, in their way. Pinky touching and such. It's sweet. I'm not actually familiar with the pairings or the popularity of the pairings in this fandom, either, so my opinion of these is based mostly on the art. I have seen the movie, though, so there's that.

pairing: walter/jesse, fan fic: labyrinth, fan fic: breaking bad, pairing: tron/alan, fan art: heroes, pairing: jareth/sarah, fan art: tron legacy, pairing: sylar/elle, fan fic: animaniacs, pairing: gen no pairing (cartoons)

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