eVeRyThiNg aLwAyS HapPeNs FoR a ReAsOn..ii KnOw iTs CoNFuSiNg yOuU..<3

Nov 25, 2004 09:51

o0 so for the biggest party night of the year last night... the bars/clubs [sucked]
F.Y.i. i went to upperdeck with viv and megg.. let me just tell you!...

Fucking viviane made me go up to this HOT ASS guy, and make an ass of myself, i was like FUCCKK i can NEVER come here AGAIN!.. because AAHH.. i only did it because she said i was a pussy.. and i had to prove that i wASNT!.. so i go up to this HOT guy and hes the BOUNCER.. oh yes.. so im like um excuse me u look familiar whats your namE? and hes like ROB? im like oh i thought u wer some1 else, he's like YEAH OK... with an ATTITUDE.. i was like you stupid ugly fuck he just killed his looks with that nasty attitude of his! who DOES HE THINK HE IS?! HIS FACE GIVES HIM RIGHT TO BE NASTY?! EHH HE WASNT THAT CUTE EVEN NOW.. AAAHH.. ii HATE GUYS SOMETIMES!!!!!!!!!!! SO ALSO TO VIVIANE IM NOT A PUSSY AND YOU GET A FUCK YOU for making me make an ASSHOLE of myself..

-->>s0 then moving on the hot PARISI!!! WHOAA!!!.. lol meg's last name is parisi, and so it was weird but some weird guy asked her last name,[he looked like jesus] THEN HE RAN OVER GOT HIS FRIEND AND GOES HIS LAST NAME IS PARISI TOO!.. and shes like whoaa???.. and hes like Hi im RICH .. i was like HeEyYY we could bang.!.lol but no seriously on that other note, hhe was fucking HOT.. looked like mike caffania(rhymes with lasagna..lol remember that) *o0h BaBy* REALLY HOT!BUT MIKES STOMACH is wayy HOTTER.. o0h mann let me back up a second...AAHH..ok so anyway he was hot and wanted MEG and hes like all liike got his arm around me saying if it would be weird if they hooked up because he thought she was hot but they had the same last name?..lol he was VERY confusing...but VERY hot so its ok..THEN um? went to megs house for a while seen chris..haha it was an overall good night..

ohh-> first we went to mckennas ((aww it was good to see every1 again ;] )) and mckenna you never called!..lol you shoulda came every1 coulda came to the barr!

aright let me go, before i kill myselff...

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