These are my prompt tables for now, to give me inspiration since it decided to abandon me.
Prompts are inspired by other people's prompts, fics, music and my general liking for certain words.
They are completely random, just words I picked, some even by sticking my finger into a dictionary. (French-English, just so you know.)
Anyway, I probably won't ever finish all of these, so... Tell me if you like one in particular?
001.Light011.Coffee021.Smile031.Code041.Family002.Difference 012.
Water022.Music032.Hate042.Book003.Ignorance 013.Danger023.Memory033.Waterfall043.Dance004.Letter014.Love024.Pen034.Acceptance 044.Power005.Affection015.Hope025.
Time045.Line006..Smirk016.Roadtrip026.Friendship 036.Paris046.Change007.Touch017.Sky027.
Dream037.Cherish047.Star008.Lie018.Knowledge 028.Scent038.Voice048.Map009.Shy019.Sakura029.Black039.Faith049.Distance010.Apology020.Hero030.Honesty040.
Home050.Writers' Choice
001.Pain 011.Sea 021.
Midnight 031.Care 041.Happiness 002.
Tree019.Rain029.Tear039.Race049.Crowd010.Stage020.Club030.Promise040.Future050.Writers' Choice
Other prompts
TomaPi - Chocolate
ShigePi - Class
[edit] So, before I wrote that I'd do a third table for open pairings or threesomes. I decided that would be too difficult, so I'll gather a list. Colored purple.
So, leave me prompt and pairing or threesome, ne? It's always more fun to write for someone else. Well, not always.
As an afterthought, these prompts are quite fluffy it seems to me.