Title: Pass & Fake It (prt. 7/a lot)
Rating: overall, NC-17
Team: Minnesota Wild, James Sheppard/Niklas Backstrom
Disclaimer: I do not own them. Damn.
Summary: Avalanche @ Wild 12/01/08 6-5 loss. Niklas was pulled in the 3rd. Short chapter.
Niklas sat in his locker stall, staring straight ahead of him. He’d showered, but he couldn’t quite get up the energy to put his shirt on.
He jumped when he realized he was staring at someone’s belly. His eyes darted up hoping to see his boyfriend’s green-brown eyes.
Instead the eyes he met were caramel brown. “Um, are you gonna be oaky?” Colton asked, stuttering slightly.
“No, I am not. But, may I ask you if you know were James may be?”
“He’s over there, oh no, wait, he was over there, oh hi, Shepp,” Colton shook his head as James gave him a crooked grin and sat on the bench next to his boyfriend. “Never mind,” he turned to wander towards Mikko, Craig, and Kim.
“Huh, I tought everyone was gone,” Niklas said as he put his head on James’ shoulder.
“Oh, Nik, there’s no way. I saw your face when you were on the bench,” James wrapped his arm around him, hugging the other man to his chest.
“Oh, James, James, James, six goals. Six! What is wrong with me?”
“You’re off. That’s it. It’s not then end of the world, not the worst that could happen. You’re the best in the whole league.”
“Not right now. Six goals,” Niklas lifted his hand to run it through his hair. James caught it and pressed it tightly to his chest.
“Really, my Nik, I honestly wouldn’t chose another goalie. You’re so clam and quick. You see everything. You’re never afraid to play the puck. You can’t do it all by yourself. When the D plays like shit, there is only so much you can do. You cant win a game by yourself.”
Niklas was silent for a moment, mulling over his lover’s statement. “You are right, my James. It makes me feel better. But it was still six goals. I have never let dat many in before.”
“You’ll get a shut-out next time. You’ll kick ass.”
“You amaze me, my James. I love you.”
“C’mon, Nik. Let’s go home and you can pin me to the bed or something. And I love you too.”
Niklas smiled. Then, he remembered, he still didn’t know what would happen when he wins…