Title: It Just Doesn’t Fit
Pairings/Characters: Brendan Morrison/Taylor Pyatt
Word Count: 3679
Rating: PG-13ish
Setting: Vancouver, B.C., maybe at the beginning of this upcoming season?
Disclaimer: I don’t own these players, nor do I know their sexual preferences. The whole thing is a work of my imagination, my sick and twisted imagination ;) Also
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I really liked this alot, which is surprising since Taylor and Brendan are on completely opposite ends of my love/hate spectrum! =) Good work as usual!
Aw man, am I that predictable with my whole making one of them insecure/jealous thing? lol I gotta try and write a happy, stable fic once and awhile. :P
:O How can you hate either of them *smishes Brendan and Taylor* I loves them! (clearly teehee)
I'd HAPPILY *smish* Taylor, Brendan not so much. I just have a problem with people who have temper tantrums and dont want to play for my team. Maybe that is just me tho LOL
I've heard trade rumors that he might be coming back, too. Stranger things have happened, esp in Devil-land
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